
My Favorite Insta Shops


Ok, I've recently discovered a new obsession- shopping on Instagram.  I'll be the first to tell you that I'm not a big online shopper, I just don't like it.  I've loaded up one or more shopping carts & then just couldn't push the checkout button, or I walk away & completely forget about it, or wait too long to buy & the item is gone.  Yep, that's my shopping online life.  But....... for some reason shopping on Instagram is so EASY & fabulous that I am buying things right & left. 

 I thought it would be fun to share with you a few favorite shops that I've been frequenting lately.  
{Hopefully I don't regret telling you all about my favorite vintage shops & you buy everything before me, please don't buy it all,  ok?} 
All these shops are great to just window shop, scroll through their feed & be inspired along the way.  Not to mention they'll all have you saying, "I remember that....or Oh, my gosh we totally had one of those!" I've caught myself saying that a time or two.   

First up, although in no particular order, the adorable vintage shop of BackAroundVintage.  If you are looking for amazing vintage books this is your shop, although the owner Sherri, sells much more than that.  Old books are one of my FAVORITE ways to decorate.  They can add charm, height & color to any space.  Love old books! 
{Psst... that's where I got the cute from in the pic above. I mean hello... What every child should know Library?  I just had to have!} 
 The next shop on the list is the shop of my cute friend, Heidi from just the next state over from me, Colorado.  I have bought SO MUCH STUFF from her from this delightful shop.  From letters, books to vintage hexagon pie tin
{Oh, yes, I did! I'll have to take a picture of it & post sometime}
Anxiously awaiting my latest purchase from Heidi to use in creating stuff for The Fall Hive. I can't wait! Fun shop, great stuff go check it out & tell her hi from me. 

Ok, I guess you can thank me now!  Giving you all a heads up on her next sale that's coming up this week.  
{Please don't buy it all before me!}  
 Crazy good stuff, all the time.  Don't miss out on her sale. 

 This shop is liking walking into your Grandma's house or garage.  Oh, the memories of my childhood get brought back to mind when I check out Andrea's shop.  Wonderful, happy, dreamy memories & simply stuff I have to have! 
So vintage & incredible. Happy Shopping!

There are many more shops than these but since I adore vintage goods, I'm pretty smitten with these shops.  Great stuff, always pleased with what I get from any of these owners.  Go check them out, look around & maybe you'll even buy a thing or two. Tell them the honeybee sent you......

& while we're talking about Insta shops of coarse I better give a little shout out to my shop, @hollyhocksandhoneybees 
getting ready to post some cute happy items for sale tomorrow.  Don't miss out!  

1 comment:

  1. thanks for posting this and on instagram! I love finding new people on instagram. So much creativity!


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