
The Springtime Hive


Happy last day of March.  Where did it go?  Excited to welcome in April soon.  Wanted to post about another fabulous Hive that's in the books.  Thanks to everyone who was able to come.  Such a thrill to see my home filled with such amazing products, talented vendors & of coarse, friends, family & clients & many, many NEW faces.  Thanks for coming!  Hope you all had a wonderful time & took home many new treasures to decor your home or give as gifts.  

Thanks to my talented, friend Natalie, I have lots of pictures from the opening night.  Grateful for her to come, snap pics for me & get them to me quickly so I'm still "BuZZed" to want to write about The Hive.  So if you were able to come, look for yourself, if you weren't able to come this time plan on coming to The {Fall} Hive coming in the fall. Just happens to be my favorite season & favorite show of the whole year.  Plan to "Bee" there! 
- Natalie of BestImpressions Photography & @nsteed_bestimpressionsphotog-
 In case you were here & didn't hear, post a pic of anything you snapped while at The Hive or something you bought that is now up in your home & use #hive50 for a chance to WiN $50 to spend at an upcoming Hive.  Cha-CHING! 
 Love getting to decorate for The Hive to make it special. Whenever I decorate my porch, I start to get butterflies.  Looked so cute this time around.  These kites were made by a friend of mine & were used as decor for a big birthday bash from a few years ago. Glad I hung onto them because they just set the tone for the show.  Loved it!  I always try to do things a little differently that I have before, so this time around the chalkboard got an accessory of an old frame stuck onto it for me to write the welcome for everyone. Really liked how it turned out.   
{Just stuck the frame on using 3M strips- easy}
 Got a quick pic with The Hive {5} WiNNERS before I let them in to shop a little early before the rest of the swarm of shoppers.  They made good use of their time, believe me!  It pays to enter GiVEAWAYS, you might just win sometime.  Thanks Kara & Kirsche.
 Always like to get a "before" pic of my island all set up & completely stuffed with things.  It doesn't stay this way for long, trust me! Of coarse banners are hung up to celebrate the opening of a Hive.
 Arrows, arrows, arrows!  They were everywhere this show & all unique, different & so cute.  This is just one of the vendors that brought them, there were lots more.  Not many were left at the end of the show.  So awesome!
-These were created by Janet Wilkins, my friend who grew up in the same little town as I did & now my neighbor up here in the mountains-
 Really, the vendors I have are so amazing!  I'm in awe every time they walk in my door with all the creative things they have come up with.  They surprise me every time!
- String art created by Becky Blood, A Bit of Beck-   

The most darling skirts, aprons, onesies & dresses all put together & sewn by the talented & great eye of Amy Redden {aka Vintage Fern}  Her things are always so delightful to look at!  
{I spy an apron I purchased & of coarse, more arrows.  I got one of those too complete with vintage wallpaper of coarse. Love it!}

I have to just go ahead right now & apologize for not having enough of these cute little guys on hand. Boy, did they fly out of here FaST!  Don't worry, more will be here next year! I'll be better prepared, I promise.  Also, be sure to follow @shophollyhocksandhoneybees on Instagram. You never know what will pop up in the shop for sale. 
-Lots of Hollyhocks & Honeybees in this picture, makes me happy to see.  I {heart} U boards coming to the shop soon on Instagram}
Oh, My. Goodness!  Could this incredible lady be anymore amazing?  Everything she creates & makes is just a treasure. Can't get enough of the amazing, Aimee Ferre's things. Those flags, don't get me started.... you can NEVER have too many of them.  If you missed out on getting some at The Hive, don't worry she is having a one day Spring show in her home {check out @aimeeferre for all the details} & she'll be back in The Hive again.  Oh, I just love her!  She is the sweetest. 
 Another corner full of H&H things. Glad these pics were taken so I can see how full it was to start the show because at the end there wasn't much to put away.  Thanks everyone!  So glad you like what I create, it makes me happy & keeps me going.
 Magnets, signs, boards & benches. A few of my favorite things! 
- The adorable leather bunnies in the basket were made by, Dana Engemann.  Talk about talent & artistry.  I hope you snagged one of these little guys up or an adorable fabric chick, too cute!-
 A first timer to The Hive, & she's already told me she'll be back. Hooray!  So glad she had a great time in The Hive.  The awesome signs of Lynn Muir {aka. The Urban Post} I hope you got one of these!  They are the coolest things around. 
 Oh, I wish I could have kept everything on my porch!  Eye candy, galore from To Market.  They packed up a little bit of their store & brought it up to my house.  Loved everything.  Don't even get me started on those awesome vases & perfectly blooming cherry blossom branches. The quintessential sign of spring. 
Thanks for coming Melanie & Holly!  Visit their store on Main Street in Kaysville. Fabulous stuff!-
 There were lots of happy customers at The Hive. When they saw these happy socks they did a dance.  The cutest things you ever did see. I think I had the biggest teenage crowd at The Hive, ever.  Thanks, Woven Pear for bringing a hipness to The Hive & giving lots of my cute neighbors a reason to come shop. 
{I think we now own every pear ;)} 

 I'm glad I have all these pics of the great vendors at The Hive because while it's calm inside, outside is a different story.  I'm always so grateful for fabulous devoted shoppers who start parking along the street out front 30 minutes before we open & start lining up as soon as someone makes a move!  Love seeing a big long line out front my front door.  Makes all the hard work worth it when I see that. Love that it's moms, daughter, best friends, neighbors that all car pool together & make it a fun night at The Hive.  So glad they choose this for the way to spend time together.  

A quick "selfie" with the crowd out front, before letting them in the door. Haha, just had to. So fun!
Couldn't put something like this on by myself. So blessed to have a awesome husband, great kids, sweet neighbors, friends & siblings who are willing to help me during The Hive.  They really do save me & I'm extremely grateful for their help.  They are the best!

-The girls at the Cash/Check line, Stacey & Mace-

-2 sweet friends, Michelle & Janelle & my Sis, Manda, helped out with the Credit Card line- thank you!  They did such a great job, hardly a wait at all. They rocked it! My awesome hubby helped too this time around but wasn't in the pic. Thanks, Ty-   

 The Hive all a "BuZZ" at 6:10.  So fun seeing pics like this because I really don't get to take it all in, I'm too busy running around, greeting, answering questions & giving hugs to friends.  I love it!

- Always love the candy display set up!  Some really yummy, NEW stuff coming for The {Fall} Hive. {I've been taste testing!} Oh, I can't wait!  For the candy & the show, already planning!-

Another shot of the shoppers buzzing around.  A full house even an hour in.      

Another great show & already looking forward to the next one.  I enjoy hosting this so much in our home, I love opening the doors to all of you & working with the vendors that I do.  Such a treat, every time.  

See you all in The Fall!  


  1. I do love your hive reviews!!! wish I could shop and see it in person! is there a way to get one of your "hello" block signs?

  2. So sorry I missed it. I was looking forward to the extra 5 minutes of shopping I had won. Alas, my back decided to give me trouble and all I did that day was ice it. So sorry I forgot to message and let you know.


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