
New Month so New Mantel


Well after such a strange winter around here with hardly any snow, March sure is coming in like a lion today with snow falling on the ground.  Of coarse it would, as soon as I have Spring fever & used to 50+ degree weather it winter finally decides to show up.  I'll make the most of it though & stay inside & play around by changing up our mantel.
Not sure if you do this as much as I do but I change around our decor every single month.  Whether there is a big holiday in it or not at least a few things get mixed around & shook up around here.  Just keeps things fresh & new.  I love it! 

Our mantel upstairs got a little boost of freshness & subtle nods to the month of March.  I didn't want to go all leprechauns & shamrocks up here {Saving that for the mustard mantle downstairs.. coming soon}  so I just dug into my front cupboard to see what I had that would play with the theme of Spring, green & outdoors.  

This wooly cute sheep came home with my husband from a business trip somewhere {can't quite remember from where}  but I sure do like him.  I put him on the end of the mantel as an anchor. When I decorate I like to have the focal point & highest point in the center & then something to serve as book ends on either side.  {In this case its the fuzzy, white stuff on both ends to tie it all together} Back to Mr. Sheep, he has an old bell around his neck that I got at an antique store years ago.  When I saw it & learned that it was an bell from a sheep herders camp, I had to have it.  I grew up listening to stories my Grandpa Hall would tell about the times he herded sheep & stayed out in the fields as part of a camp herding sheep.  

- I think I'll name him, Smith. It was my Grandpa's middle name & his mother's maiden name. Seems fitting. -
I really think it was some of the best times he had because of all the memories & stories he would share.  I enjoyed listening to them. Sometimes I just ring the bell & think of my Grandpa when he was younger looking after so many lambs & sheep. 

The brass deer I got from a friend's shop on Instagram.  Do you shop or follow shops on Instagram?  If not you REALLY should.  I've gotten the best stuff from there.  
{Blog post of some of my favorite shops to follow & buy from}  
Of coarse you can't go wrong using books & books when you decorate.  I've said it before & I'll say it again.  They are just the BEST! 

 I like to look for books with great color & interesting titles or subject matter. {I don't read them but look for their decor value}  The glass vase with the gold band across the top was a score from the DI last week. I was going to sell it at the upcoming Spring Hive but.... now it might stay in my stash. Topped with a moss ball is the perfect simple finishing touch. 
Still happy with the project I did at To Market last week.  The cotton branches are just the cutest thing ever.  I've always been jealous of those living in the South that can easy access to this gorgeous stuff. I saw a wreath made out of it years ago on Martha Stewart & still can't get it out of my mind.  Stacked up on some more old books,  for a decorating spin remember you can turn them around & the pages can be just as pretty.  
The wooden bird another find from the DI, years ago & the green round pedestal it's perched on was picked from the biggest & best junk yard in these parts.  They were old casters from off of old moving scales. I bought a whole bunch of them in a rainbow of colors just because....well, they were cool.  

I'm so glad I decided to hang garlands on our mantel this year from Christmas for the first time.  Because I've really enjoyed having that option.  I just put eye screws in the corners of the mantel. Easy, peasey!  I love the way the garlands drape across the fire place.  They are vintage trims that I bought from a friend of mine.  Really, the cheapest, easiest way to hang a garland.  Be on the lookout for them, rummage through your Mom or Grandmother's stash.  Vintage always comes in the best colors too. 

Thanks for reading. Hope it's inspired you to change things up a bit in your home this month.  You can see lots more ideas & inspiration by searching #newmonthnewmantel on Instagram.  Eye candy galore. You're welcome to join in too, I'd love to see your space.  

Have a great day & wishing you a LuCKY month ahead! 



  1. Love it! I love all of the stories your pieces have!!

  2. I don't have a mantle just a shelf. Thank you for inspiration to get out my sheep. My Mothers maiden name was Lamb, so I love to decorate with them too. Aunt Barb

  3. Thanks Candice. That's what always makes it so fun.

  4. A shelf, will work! Thanks for the comment, Aunt Barb.


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