
Favorite things- glass pop bottles


  Day 3 of My Favorite Things- Pop Bottles 
I wish I could remember when an obsession with vintage glass pop bottles began.  I try to think of what was the one was that started my love for them a few years ago. I guess it really doesn't matter, it has just become such a fun thing to look for everywhere I go.  Whether it's antique stores around home or in a different state.  My husband & I always try to hit at least one antique store where ever we travel.  Love having a collection that means something, I think I can recall where I've gotten each & every bottle from.  Some have also been gifts from good friends on my birthday or just because.  My guy has also surprised me with many over the years that he collects as he travels for business.  Treasures! 
{I'm telling you! Share your passion for collections you have with those around you.  It will pay off & give them a good idea of the things you'd like} 

I love to put them out on display in our kitchen. Just seems to be an obvious spot.  I've put them out as the centerpiece on our island for the last couple of years.  Not only do they look great but they make a great conversation piece when we entertain.  I decided to through in my collection of thermos into the mix this year too.  Such a sweet spot up above the stove.  Nothing better than hot cocoa & candy canes around the Holidays.  

-Fill the bottles up with poinsettias, pine boughs, vintage plastic flowers, or glass berry beads, anything goes!- 

My "Christmas bottle Collection"  began a few years ago while I was in No. Carolina with my husband for a business trip.  As soon as I saw the red, white bottles with winter & holiday themes the wheels in my head started to turn.  Such a fun find that day in Aberdeen, No. Carolina. From there it has just grown. 

This year I added this charming Snowflake Beverage bottle to the mix.  I found it a few weeks ago at a local antique store.  When I saw all the snowflakes sprinkled all over the bottle I knew I just had to get it!  Plus, it reminded me of the time I played Suzy Snowflake in my 3rd grade Christmas program. I had a costume made out of blue crepe paper.  
My daughter spotted these awesome Coke bottles with Santa & Seasons Greetings on them at an estate sale earlier this year.  I kept one & sold the other 5 from the 6 pack at The Holiday Hive.  So maybe one of these is in one of your homes.  Happy Holidays! 

I have too many bottles to count but I do having a collection that is always growing & changing.  Just when I think that I won't buy another bottle I find one that just makes my heart sing & I have to get it.  Couldn't bear the thought of leaving it behind.  I've gotten pretty picky though, it has to have great coloring, in good condition & great subject matter.  NO paper or stuck on labels for me, has to be the real deal.  That means paying a bit more but it's worth it.  All my bottles range from anywhere from $5-$9.  
{Santa is bringing me a very special bottle this year.  Can't wait to show you! That's the only exception to the under $9. Paid a little extra but it was so worth it!}

Thanks for stopping by on Day 3 of the twelve favorite things series, excited to keep sharing more with you. 
Question of the day: What do you love to collect? 
{*psst... those that answer each question of the day will be entered into a drawing for a H&H Holiday 5x7 frame.  SwEET!} 



  1. Hi Melissa
    I love to collect bottle brush trees and have them on my mantle mixed with glass jars with trees and snow in them.
    Angela L

  2. The question is, what do I not collect. Vintage Santa's ( plastic is better) from the 60's. Vintage Christmas corsages, red suit cases, and plastic white deer. Just a few of the things I enjoy collecting. Merry Christmas!

  3. I found myself loving more and more Galvanized Metal. I look around my house and it's in almost everyroom in my house. In fact my (fake) 9ft Christmas Tree is sitting in a square galvanized bucket that used to be sitting in my yard. No tree skirt this year!!

  4. If you ask my hubby he says I like to collect 'junk' ;) I am drawn to anything old, especially if it's sentimental to me! :)

  5. I have a few collections. Frogs, Raggedy Ann and Andy, and nativity sets. My husband shares your love for old bottles. He used to go bottle hunting quite a bit and has found a few treasures.

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