
Pages of inspiration!


  With all the technology in the world I still get giddy when I get magazines in the mail.  This day 3 of my favorites arrived, it was like Christmas!  Do you still love thumbing through magazines?  If so want are your favorites?  I'd love to hear.  

-My wish list always grows a mile when I get a Sundance catalog.  Seriously... the style is amazing! I want it all!!
Here is some images that got me excited & got my heart racing & my head spinning with ideas from Martha. Hmmm... I've never thought of having a collection of dice but maybe I should.  How cool is this display?  Love all the colors, size & scale of these dice.  What a fun collection to have & you all know I love to collect things!! 

It's always a treat turning each page of the Sundance Catalog but to find this on the very last page was a unexpected surprise. How stinkin' cute are these one of a kind repurposed & recycled reindeer?  The red bottle cap nose is what got me & just look at those gorgeous legs. WoW!  Might just be the cutest things I've seen in a very long time.  Adding these onto my Christmas Wish List for sure! So creative & charming!  
{I think I need a whole team of reindeer ;) }

Ok, just a quick little look at some fabulous inspiration I've spotted lately.  Hope you are looking at pretty things that make you excited, thinking about creating, collecting of saving your pennies.  
{Rudolph will be mine one day, I promise!} 


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