
What is it?


  Posted this picture of my latest vintage find on my Instagram just the other day.  I dusted it off, brought it inside & placed it on the kitchen island.  I love the mustard color & that it gives Hector a new place to sit in the kitchen.  I asked my followers to try to guess what it was in it's former life.  I got  a lot of great responses, guesses & a few that were actually pretty darn close.  My hint to them all was think school related.  Hmmm.......? 

-Look how happy Hector, the cookie jar, is?  I've never seen him so happy.  Maybe it's because he had a belly full of
Flour-less PB CC Oatmeal Cookies too- 
It was an old wooden step {riser} to a school bleacher. My friend posted it for sale online & when I saw the color & read what it's old purpose was I just had to snag it up.  
{I'm a sucker when it comes to anything school related} 
Oh, the possibilities with this beauty.  Turned over & upside down it can be a container, standing up right it can be a book shelf or I just might leave it as it is as a bench on my kitchen island. Who knows.  

One thing I do know is that it will be used somehow in someway at The {Fall} Hive next month. I can guarantee that this will be a show stopping display piece of somekind. 
Come see what plans I have for it.  

The {Fall} Hive 
Sept. 18, 19 & 20th 
4011 Lilac Lane in Mountain Green 

I'll be sharing more pics & posts of the school decor that I put up inside our home all this week so be sure to check back.  Hope it inspires & delights! 


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