
It's zucchini season- recipe for Zucchini Chocolate Cake

7. 23.14- 

This blog post is a blast from the past but you know what they say it's an oldie but a goodie!  This recipe is sure a good one that is a timeless classic.  If you have a garden growing at your house with a zucchini plant or two in it you'll want to give this recipe a try. Enjoy! 

A sure sight of summer.  Zucchini from the garden lining the 
kitchen countertops. One of my favorite things about Summertime is fresh home grown ZuCChiNi from our garden. 
{& it usually keeps coming & coming all Summer long! We have already used one & given one away & look how many more there are still to use up} 

 There is just so many ways you can cut, slice, dice & grate Zucchini in the Summer before you start to get tired of it. But I have a couple of great recipes I love to make when the Zucchini start to come on in the garden that are fabulous & are a little bit different way to use zucchini.  
Zucchini Tacos & Chocolate Zucchini Cake.
{they are both delicious!} 
-freshly grated zucchini piled high & ready to dump into the batter- 

-All well mixed & ready to pour in the pan- 

Chocolate Zucchini Cake
2 Cups. Sugar 
1 tsp. Soda
1 tsp. Salt 
1/2 Cup Cocoa
2-1/2 Cups Flour 
1/4 tsp. Baking Powder 
Sift all together & then add:
3 Eggs 
3 tsp. Vanilla 
2 Cups Grated Zucchini
1 Cup Oil 
1/2 Cup Milk 

Bake for 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes in a pan that has been greased & floured. Cool completely. 
Frost with:  1/4 Cup Butter, 1 tsp. Vanilla, 3 oz. Cream Cheese, 2 Cups Powdered Sugar.  Mix well and spread over the cooled cake. 

 Ta-Da!  The finished product topped with a tasty cream cheese frosting & served on one of my favorite cake stands just waiting to be devoured. 
{ReMeMBeR- everything looks better served on a cake stand. 
one of Ms. Honeybee's motto's to live by} 

Since it has Zucchini in it- it's okay to eat 
1, 2 or 3 pieces, it's 1/2 vegetable right?! 
{well at least I will tell myself that- wink,wink}  

Give it a try- I think you'll like it. I even fooled one little non- veggie eater in my house with this cake.  



1 comment:

  1. I love to make that cake! So moist. We like to eat oatmeal chocolate chip cookies too. Oatmeal=healthy, right? Mimi


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