
Sign of things to come.....


  First of all.... happy June everyone!  So glad to have one of my favorite months of the year finally here. Now onto a little bit of exciting news around here. 

No more having to type in blogspot to get to my blog, hooray!  This is something that has been on my to-do list for a very long time!!  
{It's been there, since Feb. in fact, because I don't know much about technology & the thought literally paralyzed me} 
I was finally able to check it off, the list, yesterday & it felt great.  This is just the tip of the iceberg of things to come considering my blog.  So exciting!  Teaming up with some fantastic people to work on updating & giving it a whole new look.  

Over the next couple of months you might see some tweaks & things going on. I'll keep you posted, don't worry & I might even share some behind the scene peeks into what's going on too. 

Have a wonderful day.  What are you going to cross off your to-do list today?  MAKE it HAPPEN!! 


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Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}