
Something new & a FREE book for you!


One of my favorite things to do is to share information about things that I love with all of you.  When I come across a new product, website or enter a store that just makes me happy I want to shout it from the rooftops. So I'm very excited to tell you about a new fabulous company. 

-Do you have a smart phone?  
-Do you take lots of pictures with your phone? 
-Are you on Instagram?  
-Do you wish you knew how to get your photos off your phone & into your hands & home?

If you answered "yes" to any of those questions above this is going to make your day.  The newest, latest & greatest thing to hit the app store is - Chatbooks.  What it does is lets you get all of your photos out of your phone & into your hands, in book form, for all to see & enjoy.  Who wouldn't love that?  It is very simple to do.  Anyone can download the app, click a button & have a book delivered to your mailbox in just a few days.  

-Here's my Chatbooks stash. Love seeing my photos in print- 
I recently signed up for the Instagram series & had my books printed & shipped for only $6 each.  A great investment to have all my pictures somewhere other than just on my phone or in my computer. 

Now I have 19 
{I like Instagram A LOT! Lots of pictures to document}  
6x6 soft covered books, color pictures with captions for every picture on my coffee table for family & guests to enjoy.  

I love to see my girls snuggled up on the couch or sitting outside on the porch swing enjoying the Chatbooks.  

Something satisfying about having all those memories & moments in my hands that I've captured.  I look at my Instagram feed as somewhat of a journal so to have this in printed form & documented makes me happy.  

Thrilled to announce something amazing Chatbooks has offered Hollyhocks & Honeybees readers & followers they're 1st Chatbook FREE when you sign up for the Instagram series & enter code HONEYB.  
{Pretty, amazing!}  

What that does is gives you your first book free & then every time you take 60 pictures on Instagram a book will automatically be printed & shipped right to your mailbox.  No, forgetting to order a book, no keeping all your pics just on  your phone & no more excuses to have pictures printed & in your hand & in your home.  In the app you can edit the pictures if there are some that you don't want included in your books.  That is a nice feature.  

So... what are you waiting for.  Head to the App Store on your  smart phone or click on this link & get started.  Sign up for the Instagram Series & be sure to enter code HONEYB to receive your 1st book FREE! 

Another feature I LOVE about Chatbooks is that the Vol. number printed on the side of each book with the dates the pictures were taken.  Great for keeping track of all your memories. 

So excited to share this code & fantastic company with all my H&H readers.  Give Chatbooks a try & bring all your memories home for your family to see. 
-Don't forget to sign up & enter code HONEYB for your FREE 1st book in your Instagram Series. Thanks Chatbooks. -

If you have any questions leave a comment. 


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Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}