
From the recipe box - Strawberry Soda Cracker Pie


Sharing a recipe for a delightful Summertime treat
Strawberry Soda Cracker Pie. 
So light, flaky & melt in your mouth yumminess. 

Hope you're lucky enough to have a strawberry patch in your backyard or maybe a neighbors or a picking field close by.  When they are in season they are the best!  This pie is the perfect thing to whip up, I mean that literally because it's that easy, to enjoy on a lazy summer afternoon. 

This recipe only calls for 6 ingredients to make it.  So simple!  You probably have all of the the ingredients on hand already. 
  • 3- egg whites
  • 1/2 tsp. Baking Powder 
  • 1 c. Sugar
  • 10- Saltine soda crackers 
  • 1/2 C. Pecans
Beat the 3 eggs white until stiff. Add baking powder & gradually pour in the sugar. Add the smashed soda crakers & fold in the pecans. Butter a 9 inch pie tin & bake for 30 minutes at 300 degrees. Let completely cool & then top with cut up Strawberries.

The next couple of pictures are to show you the transformation this scrumptious pie goes through from start to finish. Once everything has been incorporated & poured into a buttered pie tin it will look like this.  Pecans, crackers poking up through the glossy meringe mixture

I opened up the oven to take this quick picture. When you bake it, it will puff up into a dome shape like this.  Perfectly gorgeous & round. 

Take it out of the oven & let it completely cool!  Just set it out & walk away

When you return to the kitchen you'll see this.  Don't panic!  No one came & punched your pie crust in.  This is perfectly normal in fact it's just what you want to see.  It's created the perfect bowl shape, in the center, for you to pour in all your delicious cut berries.  They are going to nestle right down into the sudden center, perfect! 

All that's left to do now is dish it up.  Call your family into the kitchen for dessert, serve it to friends & neighbors outside on the porch just enjoy!  You can either top it off with whip cream, Basil Ice Cream or eat it plan.  The berries & crust are just that good!  

Such a sweet, easy Summertime treat.  No rolling pin, flour dust everywhere & lots of clean up to make this pie.  GIve it a try, I think it will become a family favorite in your home too. 

If you'd like to watch the Studio 5 segment, click {HERE

Here I am with my assistant for the day, my daughter {M}, telling you where I got the fabulous blue top I wore for the show & her comfy cardigan on the blog tomorrow. Be sure to check back! 

Hope you're enjoying your Summer so far.  I'd love to hear.  What's one of your favorite things to eat during the Summer? 


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