
We interrupt this blog.... for Summer!

Are your kids out of school?  Is Summer in full swing at your house?  Well mine are & it is with a bunch of stuff added on the side too. I wanted to let you know that if blog posts start becoming few & far between there are lots of reasons for that.

  Let me give you a few: 

1- SuMMER in general.  It's not as easy to blog when the kids are home & need to be ran here & there & a bizillion activities to get too each day.  You can stay in touch daily by following me on Instagram if you aren't already.  

2- Vacations!  We have a lot coming up this summer as a family that we are super excited about.  Going to be adding lots of postcards & sand to our collections.  

3- ALT conference {WHaT!?} 
Yes, I was one of the lucky few to WiN a ticket to this amazing conference through an IG contest. I never win anything.  I may have squealed out loud when I was notified. Still can't believe it.  So excited to attend!  

4- Something NeW & fabulous is about to happen.  I gave a sneak peek on Instagram a couple of weeks ago & wanted to mention it to you all on here. My lips are sealed right now but don't worry I'll soon let the cat out of the bag& share all the details with you very soon {June 2nd in fact!} 

5- Studio 5.  I'm going to be on the 26th of June sharing some of my favorite Summer recipes that are perfect for BBQ's, family parties or just Sunday dinners.  So good, can't wait to share! 

Not to mention birthdays {everyone but my hubby's special day is during the Summer} anniversary, holidays, family time, camping & much much more that might take me away from my computer for awhile.  Stay with me, I'll try to keep in touch during the Summertime.  Anyone else feel the same?  So much too do & sometimes it feels like so little time. 

Are your calendars marked for The {Fall} Hive?  If not grab a pen or pencil & jot it down!  September 18,19 & 20th It's going to be fantastic.  Can't wait for September to arrive.  Having so much fun planning it all out in my mind. 
{so far it all looks amazing! ;) }



  1. Sounds like you have lots of fun stuff planned!

    PS I made your oatmeal choco chip cookies for YW/YM last night. They were a HUGE hit!!

  2. Oh, good. Thanks for telling me Candice, glad everyone loved them. They are yummy!!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}