
A planted project using succulents

I bought this colorful & in great shape vintage Coke crate last Spring at Fleattitude. I decided I wanted to plant it with succulents to set out on my porch during the Summer last year. I went to the local nursery to pick out the succulents I wanted, planted them. They did pretty well until I left them outside about 2 days to long & everything got frozen.  Cold temps & succulents don't mix well. So I lost everything in the crate that I had planted.  
-Posted this on Instagram 49 weeks ago- 
I thought of giving it another try again this year.  But was sad looking at that empty crate realizing that I had to start from scratch & really didn't know if I planted them the proper way for succulents to thrive or not.  

Well that all changed when I walked into Glassed Up 
{Did you enjoy reading that post yesterday? I hope so!}  
I was so excited with what I saw that I wanted to get my crate out & plant it full of some of the UNIQUE succulents that Lesa had in her shop.  Seriously, such a great selection.  Some of them I had never seen or heard of before.  What she has in stock is definitely not the normal you see other places.  

That's exactly what I wanted to create with this crate. 
A show stopper, a conversation piece, that would demand notice & look great set out for summer entertaining or welcoming friends & family into our home.  Lesa offered to plant it for me if I just brought in the crate. So I did. 

-The Before- 
-So glad this crate is still in great condition after all these years.  It's a beauty!-

-The After- 

That's me holding my crate of happiness right outside Glassed Up doors after picking it up!  I LOVE iT!  It turned out great & Lesa had such a great vision of the finished product.  I hand picked the little guys that I wanted planted & then she worked her magic.  I know it will thrive much better than the 1st one I attempted to plant. 
-Lesa was so nice to write the names down for me.  The 2 in the corners, kind of brownish looking & furry are called Chocolate Soldiers.  Fitting that they are on the corner, kind of protecting all the others.  That's how I think about it in my head anyway ;) - 
Isn't it delightful to look at.  I first fell in love with the cool varieties she had & then once she told me the names of each little plant that sealed the deal.  I adore a cute name!  So here are a few of my favorites. 
-Sunrise, just simple & sweet. Loved the color- 
-Baby Toes on the left.  The name really looks like & feels like this little plant.  Simply adored the name- 

-I talked about this plant in the last post but here it is in a sea foam greenish color, Split Rock.  Isn't that the coolest!  It grows & then splits & grows from the center.  Loved this little plant because it's like the Mom & a little sprout growing next to her. Isn't nature amazing!- 
Working with Lesa at Glassed Up was awesome!  Very affordable & quick turnaround to pick up my crate.  I would recommend her to anyone who's looking to buy or plant unique succulents for their yard or home.  She is very knowledgeable & has a great eye.  Hope you stop into Glassed Up sometime when you're up this way.  


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