
After The Hive, a re-cap

  Happy St. Patty's Day!  
How lucky am I to this little blog & business of mine that has brought so many friendships & connections into my life.  I never thought when I started this 4 years ago that it would bring so much more into my life, so thank you for reading, following & your interest. 
{Wishing you all lots of LuCK in whatever you are doing today!} 

Now onto recapping another busy, amazing Hive that took place last week. First of all to everyone who came from far or near I want to say.... 
I always get nervous that no one will come & then I open up the doors on opening night & am blown away!  So fun inviting you all into my home to see such amazing hand crafted, unique things. 
-I always have to take a before shot of my island. It's a tradition!  This time around is was bursting at the seams with everything Spring!- 
-My cute daughter right before we opened the doors.  She has become a great assistant & worker bee- 
-As always the delightful candy station all set up & ready to go.  This time bags of carmels & short breads & glass jars ready to snag & give away as gifts or put away until Easter.  If you can resist them that long, they are just too good!-
People ask me all the time, how do I do it well.... did you know there was a manual?  Haha!  I found this book years ago at an antique store & just had to have it.  I set it out at this Hive & it was fun to see everyone's reaction when they saw it.  It normally sits on my nightstand in our bedroom. Love the color, title, everything about it- so inspiring! 
{I WILL own my own bees one day & make my own honey, just wait!}  
-That's me, the honeybee so excited to be hosting another Hive in the house- 

-Everyone getting excited to get in the doors!  So incredibly grateful for all you faithful Hive shoppers.  Makes my heart burst at the seams everytime!- 
-The Hive was "BuZZing"  even at 6:09-Happy Shoppers! 

One of my favorite things that I created this year.  You can never have to much LuCK around the house, I say. 
-A Hollyhocks & Honeybees creation- 
Use #40 for my famous vintage chicken feeder, holding the most adorable Springtime colored candles.  So charming to look at! Those bottles are the sweetest! 

Another H&H display set up.  So bright & cheerful. You know I love frames, blocks & pretty things to go along with them.  
I made lots of little word tiles.  Hope you got one to take home with you! If you'd like to order a special custom one just send me an email, thanks!

Candles displayed in a cool vintage metal basket.  Lavender & Thyme what's more warmer days ahead than that combination.  Smells heavenly! 

Another pic of the Sweet set-up.  From the tip top of the magnolia blooms to the orange pom poms on the table cloth this centerpiece of The Hive was so inviting & adorable to look at.  Made me smile!  The table cloth came from my Grandma Hall's house, I love it! 
Of coarse it can't be a Hive without a bunch of garlands dripping from the lights over the island.  Such a simple easy way to decorate & let everyone know there is something special going on! 

-You can never have too many garlands hanging up! The more the better! - 

-Thought this little display was so charming with all the color combos going on.  Simply delightful!- 
The beautiful flowers for The Hive were brought to you by the lovely ladies at To Market.  They were beautiful! If you haven't been into their shop {In Kaysville} give yourself a treat & go in this week. Tell them the Honeybee sent you.   

-To Market 5 So. Main in Kaysville, Utah- 
Just another pic of the set up.  Wooden chicks, bunnies, dainty ceramic nests, frames, colorful blocks & of coarse unique little Easter treats served up in vintage metal egg cake molds.  All set out on this fabulous table cloth which is a another vintage score from my Grandma's house.  
It's always a bit sad to see another Hive come & go.  But it's always sweet to look back on it too & see the new friendships & connections formed & all the wonderful memories attached to it.  Thanks to the fabulous vendors who participated this time around.  Didn't get a picture with all of them but grateful for each one of them sharing the time & talents with everyone who came.  Thanks, friends! 

-Amy {PinkParlorDesigns} Tausha {SassyStyleRedesign} Amy {Vintage Fern} & Me {HollyhocksandHoneybees} Missing BaaBaaWool & Bake it Pretty- 
Everyone asks me what my house looks like after a Hive so I thought I'd share some pics after everything is cleaned up, packed away & put back into place.  
Not much different except a little less full.  All my furniture basically stays in the same place.  Yes, I leave garlands up & displays above my island.  I don't take down everything just because The Hive is over.  There is always something on my island, maybe not fresh flowers all the time but there is always a centerpiece to look at & admire.  My "Creeper" usually stays out all the time.  

I walked back into my kitchen after taking some stuff out to the garage & just had to take a picture.  In this picture are so many of my favorite things- my vintage Honey Bee beverage box above the cupboard, garlands, fresh flowers, cupcakes made by Macey, greenery in this case homegrown wheat grass in the window sill, sunshine streaming through & a window cracked just a bit to let the fresh air in.  Ahhhhh, a beautiful sight! 

THaNKS again to all those who came to The Hive, my heart is full & grateful. If you didn't make it this time around I hope to see you next time.  If you'd like to be on The Hive mailing list just send me your email & I'll add you to it. 
Have a wonderful day! 


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