
Spring is in the air!


I can feel Spring, can you?  There has been a lot of melting going on around my neck of the woods & the grass is even showing {which is very rare around these parts for February}  I know we could use more snow & I know that some of you are getting pounded by it where you live but I'm embracing the little bit of Springtime in the air & taking it with me into my craft room to start creating because....   

I always get giddy when I start thinking of putting this all together.  More details, dates & times to come as well as the vendor line-up so stay tuned.  Also a very exciting announcement for all you out there who live out of state & can't get to The Hive but would love to come, shop & get a little taste of what The Hive has to offer.  Oooohhh, have I got something up my sleeve for you. Stay tuned! 


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