
Flight of the Honeybee- Maison Confiserie et Boutique


  Hello..... I love sharing fabulous places that I've recently discovered with all of you. It's one of my favorite things to blog about.  I like to spread the word about local shops & eateries. 

 I spent the day with my partner in crime, Tausha, who I simply adore by the way.  If you don't know her you should make it a point too because she is awesome.  
{You might also know her as sassystyleredesign on Instagram}

 We were on a mission to find some creative inspiration as we prepare for The {Springtime} Hive coming up in a few weeks.  March 13, 14 & 15th to be exact & boy, did we ever find some.  

After hitting the D.I. & Darrington's in Layton 
{Which is having a moving sale by the way & everything is 
35% off - hurry!}
We stopped off for lunch at one of my favorite places, Plates & Palates in Bountiful, before heading into the BiG City.  Sassy had never been so I was excited to take her there. Have you ever been?  If not you really should grab your girlfriends, sisters, Mom & head in for lunch.  Everything is scrumptious & fresh- YuM! 

-We both had the Turkey Apple Panini {to die for!} & the Strawberry Salad.  So good!-

Here is a pic of my tasty sandwich.  It was so good, the cheese was melted & the crisp apple paired with the turkey- YuM-E! 

Next on our list of places to go & explore was Maison Confiserie et Boutique {ooh-la-la!} in Salt Lake. I've been admiring this little shop on Instagram for awhile & have had it on my bucket list to visit.  So happy to say that now I've been & will probably be back again soon. 

 Nothing gets me more excited than discovering a great, unique shop with fabulous inventory- throw in exposed brick, big glass windows & forget about it.  The perfect combination of a dream shop for this Honeybee.  Love the feel of the modern with the charming & unique.  Got to met Beckie, the Owner, while we there & it was a delight to talk her & get to know her.  
-Was greeted by this quilted guy right when you walk in the door. How lovely is that?  Thought it was a fun spin on the hot trend- 
This caught my eye next & I knew I in a good place!  I didn't buy it but I bought a few other "bee" inspired things, the cutest cards ever.  Have one hanging up in my craft room right now. 

Thought this was such a clever idea.  Old crates turned into mirrors & hung on the wall.  Genius!  Makes me what to pop out the bottom of some of my vintage crates I have lying around.  

 I'm also a sucker for bath toiletries.  {I think that's what you call them}  Bubbles, pretty soups, & of coarse any kind of metal cabinet to store them all in.  How great is that turquoise cabinet, I love it! The legs on it are amazing.  I might have to take my hubby back in with me to get a closer look at that. 

Another thing that seems to inspire me to know end is pretty kitchen accessories & cook books.  I love a great cookbook {more for the pictures though than the recipes themselves, is that weird?} 
 I get so inspired by the colors & pictures of food in cook books.  Maison had a great variety & collection of books to thumb through. 

-I think I might need to get a cow creamer one day, must be the farm girl in me.  Something about them are just to cute- 
More great books & look at those wooden arrows, so cool.  By the way see my tootsie toes in this picture, who would have ever thought that I could wear sandals in February in Utah. We are having some strange weather ya'll.  Sorry all you in the East & South are getting what we usually get. 

Another charming set up.  Makes me what to have a chicken coop in the back yard for some reason.  
{Michelle.. did you hear that?}  
-Which came first.... the chicken or the egg, hmmm- 
Another favorite feature in the store was their massive candy wall! Treats & sweets of all shapes, sizes & flavors.  Gooey, tangy, sour, rich, melt in your mouth.... anything.  Such a great display piece. Love the fresh & clean look of the white & marble.  Makes me wish for old time candy stores to reappear, convenience stores just aren't the same.  

 This is what they are really known for- their gigantic {& I mean big} chocolate malt balls.  You can get a sample of them just for going in.  Beckie was so sweet to give Sassy & I a sample.  I got milk chocolate & she got dark chocolate.  I should have taken a pic of what they look like when you bite into one- oooh, chocolate heaven.  I think Beckie said they are triple dipped & boy, does it show. Divine! 

A few more pictures of some of my favorite spots in the shop.  
Ok, I'm really loving this canister set.  Love that there are office supplies tucked inside but.... oh, the other possibilities.  

Just loved this display on the wall.  I want to find me a cool bottle jar, cup hanger like this.  I think it would be fun to display my vintage pop bottle collection on.  
{59 bottles & counting} 

 Cool apothecary feel chest & pallet hung up above.  I think I need to be on the look out for some pallets lying around & bring them inside.  Rustic, charming & great looking. 

Last but not least... another great little nook display that combines everything I adore.  Metal, brick, wood, fabric & glass.  The perfect combination in my book.  Shiny, hard, smooth & soft. 

 Do yourself a favor if you are ever headed downtown be sure to venture over to 1100 East & check out Maison, you won't be sorry. There are some great local eateries around there too that I want to go back & try sometime.  Including one right next door to Maison that looked fabulous. 
{From what I saw great inspiring decor as well} 

Thanks for stopping by & hope this inspired you to get out there & discover something new today.
*if you have a favorite place you love, leave a comment & tell me I'd love to discover it for myself. 



  1. JEALOUS!! So yummy and so fun! I love Desert Edge Brewery @ Trolley Square too. Yummy Sandwiches too!! I can wait to go visit that store. Sad that you didn't pop into my favorite DI's!

  2. Thanks, Heather. I've been to the Brewery & it is tasty. What are your favorite DI's?

  3. Stumbled across your New Jersey cookies on Pinterest and started looking through your blog...and when I saw the candy shelf picture I had to comment! My husband's favorite candy is a really hard to find gummy cherry coke bottle. And this store you've featured has it in their glass containers! How funny is that?!

    Anyway, thanks for sharing this adorable shop. I wish I lived close and could stop in for some of those coke bottles :)

  4. Shannon, thanks for your comment! If you can't find any anywhere let me know, I'd be happy to go buy some & ship them to you. :)


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