
Snow inspired decor + a blog hop


As much as I love putting up Christmas around the house each year, I look forward putting it all away, clean up the clutter & have a fresh clean start going into the New Year. I like to decorate for Winter a bit around here & finding ways to incorporate the cold, white fluffy stuff into my decor in unique ways.  

Come inside my home & take a peek at a few of my favorite ways to celebrate Winter. 

In the kitchen I love to decorate using staples that I have on hand as a snow substitute.  Sugar, rock salt, flour are great. {They look just about the same but don't melt, which is a good thing}  

-Perfect little whimsical winterscape. I spy.. Hector, the cookie jar,  too- 

If you follow my blog you know that I really like to decorate my island each month with a fabulous centerpiece of some sort.  I like to place whatever I create on my amazing "creeper", it just makes a great base for just about anything.  Now I know if you have little hands still around your house this probably isn't something you'd want to place out in the line of vision or that's easy access to get to.  But I'm absolutely swooning over this "faux winter scene".  I found this little bags of flour at my local grocery store 
{feel madly in love with the turquoise color}

stacked them up on top of the creeper & then sprinkled "snow" {aka flour} on the bags & just let it cascade down as it would like.  Then I simply added some bottle brush trees to the freshly fallen "snow" to complete the picture.  Adorable! 
{You could easily do this in the counter of your countertops that is higher up for little fingers} 

I also used sugar to create a mini winter wonderland down the center of my table.  It looks so perfect nestled up against the glittered houses & among the trees.  The glittered balls are some fun accents to the sugaring snow. 
-Another "creeper" put to use.  Love these old things they make the best table runner, ever!-
Fill up bottles & jars with sugar, salt & flour to create the illusion of snow & place here or there, high & low. 

Of coarse you can't be in my kitchen on Lilac Lane without seeing a cake.  
{Oh, I like them to gosh darn much!}  

Love how this "faux" Snow Summit Cake turned out.  Wouldn't this be a fabulous addition to any winter Birthday party or family dinner.  So great & yummy to look at.  This particular cake is Red Velvet with a cream cheese snowy frosting.  Now this is my kind of snow! ;) 

I simply baked up 2 cake rounds & to create the snowy summit I cut off the top of one cake {on a angle with a serrated knife} & set it aside.  I placed the other cake on top of the cake stand, generously iced the top & then placed the other cake {with the angled top} on top & then smoothered it with the frosting.  I'm so happy that these kind of cakes are in style right now.  I've made "rustic/naked" cakes for years 
{meaning not the entire cake is covered with frosting}
because my hubby isn't a huge frosting lover. 
{What?!?  How are we still together? I guess opposites really do attract ;)} 
This is a great way to still create a pretty cake & have enough frosting to satisfy any craving.  

Now out of the kitchen for some winter themed table top decor.  It helps to decorate for the winter when you have a fantastic snowflake collection to draw from. I used to put out all my snowflake ornaments for Christmas but realized a few years ago they were worthy of their own time to shine. So they started appearing after all the Christmas had been put away, I like it much better that way.  

Here they are all nestled in some fake snow in the vintage chicken feeder 
{I think this is use #39 if you're following along, I absolutely love this antique score I found!}

On the opposite side of the room I put down a handmade doily that my Great Grandma made {thought it looked like a giant snowflake} & then placed all sizes & sorts of candles around the table.  

I mixed the white, cream & blue since it reminded me of Winter.  We lit them all on New Years Eve & it was simply magical. All the glittered white balls came from craft stores a few years ago & the old jelly ring I found at the DI, makes for a great candle holder don't you think?  

See more inspired SNoW ideas from my other fabulous blogging friends.  Such great ideas!! 

Snowflake Craft by Kaylynn from Among the Young 
 Snowball Recipe by Adrienne from Free Time Frolics 
 How to Run in Cold Weather by Andie from Maybe I Will 
 Organizing Winter Gear by Candice from She's Crafty 
 Getting the Most out of your Leggings by Ashley & Meegan from Flats to Flip Flops 
 Snow Wreath by Emily of The Benson Street Snow Inspired Blog Hop.jpg

Hope this has inspired you just a bit to bring the outdoors in or... at least the idea of the outdoors in.  Such a beautiful time of year to celebrate & enjoy.  For more decor ideas for Winter go {HERE

Happy Winter!  Follow me on Instagram @hollyhocksandhoneybees for more inspired ideas & ways to create a beautiful decorated life. 



  1. I am loving your decor. I need to find a place that sells that stuff for my house.Awesome!

  2. I'm the same way as you - I LOVE putting Christmas away and having a nice clean house, but I still love to have some snowy things out. I'll have to up my game! This is seriously so darling. And that cake?! Oh my goodness - you're awesome.

  3. I do snowy, wintery decor in January too! The house looks so bare but I can't handle having Valentine's stuff up so early. This year I have 3 big jars full of vintage ornaments in icy whites and silvers, a white feather wreath with silver jewels and a silvery glitter wreath as well. I love all of your beautiful sparkly snowflakes!

  4. MELISSA....You did it again!...SimpLY AmaZinG!!! Sooo iNsPiRiNg! And I'm sure even more FaBuLouS in person! I usually keep up the snowmen and winter after Christmas inside but this year I packed them up with Christmas, but if I was creative like you and had your stuff, it would definitely be up! :) LOVE iT missy!

  5. I just love this! Especially those little bags of flour! So beautiful!!!


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