
Jot it down!


  Notice anything different about the blog today?  Small changes are leading to BiG changes in the near future.  Keep your eyes open.  All leading up to my reveal of my One Little Word... I think I've got it figured out what it's going to be.  Just got to run it by one important person in my life to get his feedback & I want him to be the first to hear it.  

But first I wanted to ask you some questions for the NeW YeaR ahead & hopefully hear some of your feedback.  I'm not a big "resolution" setter when it comes to the new year.  I like to pick my word for the year & see where it takes me & just have a few things in mind I'd like to try or do. Not tie myself down to one or two things that I feel like I "have" to do & then when I have a bad day & don't do it in a few weeks feel like the whole year is ruined.  Does that make sense?  

Anyway, I thought it would be fun to throw a few questions out there for myself & hopefully all of you to think about & answer, just for fun.    

This Year...... 

-A new skill I'd like to learn 

-A person I hope to be more like

-A new food I'd like to try 

-A letter I'm going to write 

- A book I'd like to read 

- A new recipe I'm going to make 

-A place I want to visit 

-A habit I'd like to brake 


Hopefully that has your mind turning on what you're answers would be.  I'd love to hear from you if you want to share any of your answers.  Maybe 2014 will be the year for me to try scallops, sushi or maybe just try to order salmon one time at dinner {not a big fishy person}
& maybe finish a book or two 
{I'm not a huge reader, so this could be tough} 
I'd also like to make a recipe with rhubarb 
{I've never cooked with it but have always wanted to} 
or make pasta from scratch.  I'd like to learn how to crochet or knit.  Oh, the possibilities.  Makes me excited just thinking about it. 

2014 is off to a great start! Hope yours is too. 



  1. Howdy from OKC

    I have some great rhubarb recipes. We cook with it all the time.

  2. Love my OKC friends. Email me the recipes! :)


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}