
Christmas card storage idea


  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.  After a bit of a rough start here {having sick kids around Christmas is no fun!} we are all up & going & hopefully good to go into New Year's. 

I always love to get mail but around the Holidays it is always super exciting to open up the mailbox everyday.  So fabulous to see pictures of family & friends each year come into our home.  I've been saving most of them year after year & was beginning to ask myself, "Why? What am I ever going to do with all of these."  Well, I finally got my answer.  

I first told you about this fun find I found earlier this year when I went down to film at My Craft Channel. The DI was right next door so of coarse I had to stop by.  I fell in love with this old file folder at first sight. 

{I'm a sucker for anything old office related} 

Ever since February I've been struggling with finding a use for it.  But I just couldn't bring myself to throw it away either. Sometimes you just have to be patient and a purpose will present itself sooner or later. Had to follow a bit of my own advice I gave at the Women's Conference a few months ago.  Sometimes it's so hard to be patient but it's always worth it. 

  I asked my husband what I should do with it & he gave me the idea of putting all our old Christmas cards in it.  He thought it would be fun for friends to look at when they stop by during the Holidays.  
{Really, I'm so lucky to have a great minded guy.  He comes up with the best ideas!} 

Yesterday I sat down & sorted through the hundreds of cards, put them into piles by each family & then passed them around for us all to look at.  We smiled & laughed as well as count our blessings for having so many fantastic family & friends in our lives.  We really are blessed! 

After we'd all looked at them they got tucked into alphabetical order according to their last name.  So fun! Not to mention a great conversation piece to have out to. 

When it was all said & done not only was my vintage office file folder full but my heart was as well.  So incredibly grateful for family, friends & clients who send cards to our family.  Enjoyed so much looking back at cards from the years {some as old as 12 years ago!} reminiscing, laughing & looking at cute little faces & watching them grow up over the years.  

So glad I snagged this file months ago & finally figured out a use for it.  



  1. Okay, so is this what I need to do?? Perfect idea and so fun, can't wait to look in the H section. Merry Christmas my creative Quigley friends!!

  2. Thanks, Nicolle! The H section is filled to the brim that's for sure. Love looking at all the H family photos from way back when. Can't wait to see you guys this week!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}