
Make it count- a FREE printable


  Tis' the Season friends.  I'm sure countdowns are well underway at your homes.  Before we get to busy in just counting down, turning over pages, opening up little compartments let's remember to take the time & enjoy the most of each day. I created this printable hoping it will help me to celebrate each day I get to spend with my family & friends until Christmas day arrives instead of just counting down the days.

-created this using the fabulous Rhonna Designs app-

As a little gift from me to you this Holiday Season. 
You can print one out for yourself - HERE.

Here's some ideas of how to put it to use in your home. 
I printed it out, clipped to a painted clip board, added a ribbon & tied some jingle bells on to make it festive & placed it in a spot where everyone could see it each day.   I purposely set it in front of my calendar so I would remember to make each day count! 

This wooden crate is right in central station of our house.  Everything that gets planned or organized goes through this area so it's the perfect reminder of what's important this time of year. 

Another idea is to print it out & place in on your fridge or magnet board. Hung up with festive & cute H&H Christmas magnets of coarse. 
{If you want to order a set email me & let me know.  Makes a great friend or stocking stuffer. Only $7 for a pack of 6}

Hope you enjoy this printable. 
{H}appy {H}olidays
from Hollyhocks & Honeybees.

Excited to bring some GIVEAWAYS to you, take you on a Holiday tour around decked out Lilac Lane &
much, much more!
{I love this time of year!} 


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the printable! I'm thinking it will make a great gift for Visiting Teaching. I love it, Thanks!!


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