
Creating a beautiful decorated life, re-cap


  Nov. 2nd has been circled on my calendar for a very long time. I've been thinking about it for months, worrying & losing sleep over it too.  Even after all the preparations it came so quick & before I knew it, it was over just as quickly. What an amazing experience & opportunity. Such a wonderful day!  

-The title of the 2 classes I taught at the Women's Conference in Brigham City this past Saturday - 

Packed up the car with lots of visual aids & my assistant for the day, Miss Mace, & headed up to Brigham City Saturday morning. When we arrived at the front desk, Jan greeted us & told me that I was in room 155 because that was the biggest classroom & my class was full.  My heart jumped out of my chest when I heard her say that, WoW!  Then the nerves started to set it,!  I hope I have something good to share with all these ladies, something they can be inspired by.  I really was planning on speaking to about 20 ladies at the most each class.  Not a packed classroom & chairs having to be brought in to make room, very exciting! 
-Thanks to everyone who came to my class, it was fun meeting so many of you! -

This was huge for me friends, I used technology!  I'm much more comfortable writing on poster board & taping it up on the board but... I wanted to stretch myself a bit.  Thanks to my husband & daughter for helping me set up a Power Point presentation.  Oh, & I have to give a shout out to my sweet, spunky friend, Rhonna Farrer for her amazing app that I designed all my slides with.
{If you don't have her app for your iphone, get it!  You won't regret it. So many uses with that little thing. Think of it as Photoshop for your phone, so much easier too} 
-I had a nightmare the night before that the Power Point wouldn't work but everything worked beautifully. Such a relief when I saw that slide pop up on the screen for the first time-

Glad I was able to show everyone examples of what I was talking about with pictures.  Made the whole presentation so much easier & made it so I didn't have to bring a Uhaul up with me. 
-Talking about using everyday items in an unexpected way.  LOVE to decorate our home with family pictures & putting them in window panes is one of my favorite ways to show them off- 
 After each class it was such a pleasure to talk to the atendees & hear their feedback. Glad so many enjoyed it & I truly hope everyone was inspired to go home & incorporate a few things they learned during the class.  Wish I would have gotten lots more pics with everyone but here I am with my 7th grade English teacher, Mrs. Frischnecht 
{I still can't call her by her first name, love her so much!} 
& my Sister in laws, sister in law {that makes us practically related, right?} Nicole.  So fun to have them in my class & see 2 familiar faces looking back at me. 

-So grateful for wonderful connections that bring amazing people into our lives- 
I even met a few long lost relatives, my Aunt's best friend growing up & lots of other amazing women. Such a wonderful event & a great opportunity that I was allowed to be a part of.  Loved the two classes I was able to go to, given by The 6 Sisters & Karen Jones.  They all did a fabulous job. 
 {Karen, I'm on the look out for something leopard. You've inspired me!;)} 

Grateful for my sweet friend, Heather, who asked me to come speak.  It was something that took me out of my comfort zone a bit, challenged & inspired me.  
Thank you friend!! 

So incredibly thankful for my business & the blessings of friends & opportunities it has brought into my life.  
Truly blessed in so many ways.  Now onto the next thing circled on my calendar- 
The {Holiday} Hive Hope it's on your calendars too.  
Nov. 14th 6-8, Nov. 15th 10-3 & Nov. 16th 10-2. 


-*Check back tomorrow to see what I did after the event, along with a few of my favorite points I shared during my classes- 


  1. It all looked so great! way to go! What a fun Saturday and you got to bring Mace also! fabulous!

  2. Thanks, Michelle! It was a fun day spent with Miss Mace, she was a tremendous help.

  3. It was so fun and turned out perfect!! It is so good for the soul to share what one has a passion for!! You did wonderful and people LOVED you!! You didn't act a tiny but nervous! I am glad you could come and I am glad you went away w/ a glad heart and a happy list of junk jaunts! Thanks again!!

  4. You did a great job and inspired me to think outside the box. Thanks so much for coming to Brigham.


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