
A re-cap of The {Holiday} Hive


  Happy Monday everyone!  Can't believe it's the middle of November already & The {Holiday} Hive has come & gone.  WoW, what a show!  Thanks to everyone who came.  I hope you walked away with something fun to put in your home.  That really is my intention when I host a Hive.  To bring in quality one of a kind, unique handmade items.  

Ok, can I just say that I adore this picture!  Grateful to my husband for putting up a spotlight to shine onto The Hive sign for everyone to see.  
{Just for the record I don't like these dark winter hours so early} 
Seeing this opening night made me feel a little better about the dark winter ahead. 
-The Hive sign,pumpkins & pine on display for all to see- 
Could not believe when I opened the door at 6 to see a line full of ladies {& a few guys}  from my porch all the way out to the street.  Eeeeeee!  You guys made me so happy!!  Thank you, Thank you!  I love that so many enjoy coming to The Hive each time & that you arrive early to get in line- always so thrilling! 
-Loved the pumpkins & pine theme I went with this time around.  Kept it simple but yet festive at the same time- 
I always take a pic of my island right before everyone comes in.  Loved the mix of textures, colors & elements this time around.  A really casual yet elegant feel to the whole pumpkins & pine theme. 

I've mentioned before that after each Hive I sit down & jot some thoughts & ideas I've had.  Things to improve on & ways to make The Hive better.  One lesson I learned & wanted to improve on was cut down the checkout line on opening night so this time we had 2 separate checkouts.  It worked out great.  Hope you enjoyed it too.  

The reason it went so well was because of the amazing support staff I had that came & helped me.  So grateful to have amazing friends in my life who I can count on to help me out & have a great time doing it too.   Thanks so much- Amanda, Terra, Erika, Dennette & Staci.  You guys RoCk! 

- A peek into the Cash & Check check out area. Terra ready to ring people up!  Amanda ready to bag up the goods. Something else new & different this year was having everyone exit out through the "friends & family" door.  Kind of fun!-
*not to mention how many people went out the door, made a left & came right back in the front door to shop some more- so funny!!*
-A few happy shoppers with bags of goods heading home. Kind of magical getting to turn the Christmas lights on that night too- 
-These 2 operated the Credit Card line like pro's!  Adore these lovely ladies! Thanks Erika & Dennette- 
I have to give a shout out to my awesome vendors who share their creativity & amazing goods at The Hive.  Here I am with 2 of them- Tausha {SassyStyleRedesign} & Nicole {Leila Bird}  Not only were they here supporting me & dropping in The Hive every day.  They brought in new goods each day too.  So rest assured that The Hive is re-stocked each day.  It's not only opening night that just has the good stuff, trust me.  Thanks friends!!  

 I'm always so touched at the support of my family & friends from near & far who come to The Hive.  Love having people that came from down the street, around the corner or traveled as far away as Draper, SLC, Brigham City{even in the snow!} & Logan just to name a few places.  Had to get a pic of my Mom, sisters & our dear family friends who came all the way from Lewiston.  They come every time & I'm so appreciative of their support.  

Just had to take a pic of a shopper on SKYPE, yep The Hive welcomes virtual shopping.  Thanks Lindsey for Skyping in & for your cute sister who carried you around all night.  

Here are just some pics I snapped of The {Holiday} Hive after all the vendors had set up during the day.  Really some incredible & unique things.  I always love the energy of creativity that fills up each & every Hive. 
{Thanks vendors!!} 

Again, thanks so much for coming to The Hive.  It is always so fun to organize & anticipate every time but is always over & gone so quickly.  The next Hive will be in the Spring so stay tuned for more info. as it gets closer.  I'm taking the winter months off to focus on my long to-do list & big plans for my business. 
{I'm excited!!} 

 *If you couldn't make it to The Hive don't worry, I'm taking lots of left over things to Whisperwood & Co. with me today. So stop by & shop H&H on Main Street in Bountiful at 88 South Main. 

-Have a fabulous week everyone!- 



  1. Lots of things in those pictures I didn't even get to see!! Fun fun!!

  2. Looks like it was lots of fun!
    Sorry to have missed it but had family things to do in California. I'll see you at the next Hive! Mimi

  3. Thanks Heather & Mimi, I sure do appreciate you both & your sweet comments.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}