
Gather round


  Wanted to share a few pics from a fun evening we had in our home.  We invited a couple of our family friends over for a soup dinner night to welcome in the chillier weather & falling leaves.   Everyone brought a yummy soup to share & our family provided the salad, rolls & desserts.  It was a wonderful evening that warmed our hearts & souls.   
- The charming kids table all bright & festive.  The table cloth comes from my Mom, she gave it to me & I remember having it on our dinner table back in the day. Love the color combos here-

I posted this pic on Instagram & it got a lot of attention. I've told you about this prized possession of mine before but here it is again at work. This time it's holding all the dinner & pretzel rolls on the table..  I posted it as use #37 but I really have lost track of how many ways this vintage chicken feeder is put to use around here.  I'm going to start keeping track & I'll post pics so that you can see too.  
-Served the soup {for the adults} in these adorable little pumpkin bowls.  I got them years ago from Williams & Sonoma on clearance after the Fall. So keep your eyes out & you might be able to grab some for yourself.  They are fun to have out & use September-November-

Hope you are enjoying the beautiful Fall season with your friends & family as well.


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