
A Ticket Giveaway!!

Ok, here it is, the cat's out of the bag as they say. 
I'm speaking at a conference!  Yes, my first real BiG speaking gig is coming up.  I posted this pic weeks ago on Instagram when I was deciding on taking a giant leap out of my comfort zone & accepting an offer to speak on decorating at a Women's Conference on November 2nd.  

-"Stepping out of your comfort zone & doing something you've never done before can be a scary, exciting, thrilling & overwhelming thing. When deciding what to do I kept thinking about my OLW I choose for 2013- DiSCOVER! Time to try new things that present itself & embrace the opportunity. Stay tuned!"- 
I was completely honored & humbled when I was asked to speak. {Me?  Really, you want me to come speak?}  I was so blown away, thrilled, nervous & apprehensive at the same time.  So many questions were floating around in my head.  But in the long run the excitement of taking on something so new, pushing myself a bit  & DiSCOVERiNG something I've never done before  outweighed any uncertainty I had.  

-My class & a little bio about me in the flyer- 
I would LOVE to see a familiar face or two in the audience that day {or met a new face or 2} as I talk about creating a Beautiful Decorated Life .  So, I'm going to GiVEAWAY a pair of tickets to the Women in the year 2013 event on Saturday Nov. 2nd at the USU Brigham City campus. 
{a $30 value, ladies!} 

 It should be a wonderful day!  So many inspiring & great speakers are coming to teach & share wonderful ideas on just about everything, not to mention a tasty lunch will be served too.  You can get all the info. & see the entire schedule of classes for the day on the event's website HERE.  

-Oh, my goodness that's my name on the flyers.  WoW!!-

All you have to do to win a pair of tickets, one of you & one for your Mom, Sister or BFF.  Is leave a comment describing my decorating style in a word or two. 
{I'm going to tie this into my talk, so I'd really appreciate hearing from you} 
From what you've seen on the blog, or at The Hive & on Instagram, sum up my style in just a few words.  

I will announce the WiNNeR of the 2 tickets on Monday the 28th so you have until Sunday at Midnight to enter.  Hope you are as excited about this as I am, I would love to hang out with a couple of you for the day.  I'm looking forward to hearing from all the other speakers too, should be a fabulous day. 



  1. I think your decorating style is fun and on-trend! Congratulations on the speaking opportunity!!! You will be amazing.

  2. I think your decorating style is creative and unique. I love it! Congratulations on this new exciting adventure. I know you'll do awesome!

  3. Decorating style: thoughtful and spunky
    I would love to come to the conference. I have come to many of your "hives" and also to the swaps. I really like your style. You have a great knack for putting things together and making it all look good!

  4. OH my goodness!! I'm so stinkin excited for you! You will be fantastic!!!!! I need to win the lottery really quick (which would be hard since I don't play) so I can fly out there to watch!

  5. Decorating style. Eclectic and fresh. I love how you combine old with a flare!
    Congrats on speaking. You're gonna be great! xoxo

  6. Modern Chic, with a hint of trendy thrown in.
    Love all of it!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}