
What's in your bucket?


Recieved the sweetest comment over on Instagram today from a friend I don't even know & I wanted to share it with you.  It made my day!!

I first posted this picture of what my day was going to consist of: work, work, work.  

{Oh, this is just the tip of the iceberg friends.  You should see my craft room & the rest of the piles around the work table. It's not a pretty sight!} 

Next time I looked at my phone I received the most adorable comment I think, EVER!  Seriously, The Hive made Maria's bucket list how nice, amazing & flattering is that?!  Oh, it just made my heart soar & gave me the energy I needed to finish the other 2 huge stacks of stuff I had to finish. 

{Really so incredibly grateful for all you amazing people, alot of who I don't even know, who are brave enough to leave a comment & let me & my business into your everyday life.  So appreciative & extremely grateful for all you do to fill my bucket each day} 

So it got me thinking... 
What's on your bucket list?  

I WaNT to hear from YOU! 
Me... just a few fabulous things-  travel to Paris, go an African Safari, visit London, have my home or business featured in a magazine... the list goes on & on.
-What's in your bucket? I hope whatever it is it's in a cute bucket like this one.- 
I hope The Hive is on your list too so I could help you cross that off your list next week. Hope you live close enough to come. 
{Sept. 12,13 &14th}  

Have a fabulous day. 



  1. Awww what a fun comment :) The Hive is a great bucket list item. A few on mine...go to Italy, ride in a hot air balloon, and ride bicycles in Nantucket. :)

  2. Natalie, thanks for sharing, love your list! Have a great night friend :)


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}