
One of my favorite ways to decorate


  If you know me well at all you probably know that I love two things: family pictures & frames.  They are easily two of my favorite things to decorate our home with.   Sometimes I think that maybe I have too many family pictures up around our home but when guests come in they love to look at the pictures we have up all around the house. 
{They're a great conversation starter} 

I posted this pic last week on Instagram & everyone loved it.  We had these pictures taken way back in 2005.  My photographer printed out these great sizes for me. I've held onto them forever waiting to find the perfect way to display them.  I finally found this chippy, old window pane up at Swiss Days this year.  Patience paid off!  I was thrilled that it had 5 panes & was the perfect size too. 

Using old window panes is such an easy way to add charm to the photos you are displaying.  It is really easy to do to.  I throughly clean the panes of glass as well as wash the pane itself.  But... I adore the chipped paint, scuff marks & little imperfections that are on the panes so....I don't scrub too hard ;)  
{I use double stick tape to attach the photos to the front of the glass.}  
- This is up in our bedroom, in the distance you can see the rest of our gallery wall. I told you I like to decorate with photos-

This red window pane hangs down in our family room.  It's the pane that started it all for me.  With this one I actually put the picture in between 2 panes of glass.  I used double stick tape again to secure the picture between the panes. Trust me it works! 
{The first time I hung this up I just put the picture between the 2 panes of glass, thinking it would hold the photo in place. It did for about a week & then slipped one day- augh!  I had to re do the whole thing but the double stick tape has held it in place for more than 10 years. KNoCK on wood!}  
-This was taken in 2003- 
To hang it up I had my hubby attach some brackets to the back of the pane. It's been a great piece that we've had for a long time. 
-Close up, not the best with the reflection but I loved the side view of the pane- 

This cool 8 paned window came out of an old dairy shed in my hometown of Lewiston. A friend of mine gave it to me. When she asked if I'd be interested of coarse I said, "Yes!" I can't turn down anything old, rusty, paint peeling & falling apart.
{it's just who I am ;)} 

I taped up some 8x10 {to the front of the glass} of our latest family pictures {2010} at the base of the stairs in our basement.  It fits perfectly in the space & it's fun to look at everyday since it's a high traffic area. 

I think I've shown this one before but it hangs up above our study nook off the kitchen.  I change this one out quite regularly.  I have fall pictures & wintertime photos  of the girls that I change with the seasons.  Again, I just use tape to hold them in place. With this pane I don't use double stick tape though because I change it so much.  Just good ol' scotch tape, rolled up, works for this.  

Hope this has inspired you to put pictures up in a bit different way in your home.  There are so many wonderful old window panes out there, keep an eye out for unique ones to incorporate into your home. 

Have a great day! Happy Monday. 



  1. I always look forward to see how you decorate. So many great ideas. It helps me out for sure
    ANgela L

  2. Thanks Angela! You are always so sweet. Glad I can help ;)


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