
Sweet stuff!


Today started out as an ordinary day & turned out to be an awesome day- let me tell you why. 
 #1-   A man came to our home to appraise it today. 
{not moving, just changing home loans} 
As he was walking through our home he turned to me & said, "It looks like Pinterest in here!"  AHHH!  How nice is that?  It made my day, I thought it was the sweetest thing ever.  He then asked about where I find all my decor, if I make it or have bought it.  I then told him about my business {Hollyhocks & Honeybees} & what I do.  He gave me his business card & told me to send the next email about The Hive & he would forward it onto his wife.  
I thought that was fabulous & incredibly sweet of him!  
The kind words he said as he toured our home really touched me today & meant alot to me. Love when we take the time to say kind things, it really does make a difference.  Made me think of what I've said to others today. 

#2- My Dad, Aunt Karalee, Uncle Garr & my dear sweet Grandma Hall {who just turned 95} drove down for a tour of my hubby's GiaNT pumpkin patch today.  Oh, boy was it a hot day outside. Whew! 
We had a great time looking at the BiG kins' & visiting, laughing & sharing stories.  So glad my Grandma made the trip down.  One more month until the pumpkins are weighed.  Keep growing girls!! 
{Grow BiG or go home!} 

3- My 3 girls.  They all came home, sat down, did their homework without any complaint, tears or arguing.  I know it's only the 4th day of school but I'll take it.  
{Hope the rest of the school year goes this well ;)} 

Just a few things that made my day. Hope you're having a wonderful day too. 
{p.s. if you want to be added to The Hive email list, just let me know.  Leave a comment & I'll add you to it!} 



  1. Oh hi!! Love seeing your G'ma on H&H! Your decorations are so cute...

  2. So glad you had a great day! Looking forward to seeing those big pumpkins. Mimi

  3. Your house DOES look like pinterest!! :) Love coming to the Hive's and being inspired in your cute home and sooo sad I'm going to miss this next one... Happy pumpkin growing.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}