
Cooking Class

Who says it's only the kids who head back to school to learn a thing or two this time of year.  I had the opportunity of attending a French Macaron baking class with Miss Mace last week.  We gave her tickets to the class as a birthday present.  I knew that she would absolutely love it! 

-Us getting ready for Macarons 101- 
I've always admired these cute, colorful dainty cookies from afar but have never even thought of trying to whip some up on my own. I have to say that after taking the class they are not that intimidating at all. 
{Lots of steps & quite a process- yes, but totally do able} 

-We took the class from Orson Gygi's & I would highly recommend it.  They also have lots of other classes available throughout the year.  Check out their website for upcoming classes.  I'm sure we'll take another one again soon- 
Mace ready to learn a thing or two about baking this delicate sweet French sweets.  Macey has plans to travel to Paris her Senior year, I'm sure she'll attend more cooking classes when she gets there.  
One of the things we learned right of the bat is that they are pronounced, Mac-a ron {Like saying a man's name Ron}  not Mac-a roons {that's the coconut stack cookie version}  Thought that was pretty interesting to learn. 
-Taking it all in from our amazing teacher, Caroline.  She was very informative- 
At our cooking station ready to go. 
Making a simple sugar on the stove- Check! 
Whipping up egg whites that have been aged already Check! 

-I even got a turn to fold the egg whites into the almond flour mixture. These cookies are quite the process- 
I really enjoyed sitting back {taking pictures} & watching this girl in her element.  She knows her way around a kitchen, is not afraid to try new things & very comfortable when making just about anything.  She really has a talent for cooking & creating in the kitchen.  I've posted lots of her creations on Instagram under #missmaceinthekitchen  If you want to see what I'm talking about.  Rarely, does she use a recipe- she just makes it up as she goes, adds a dash of this or that & it always turns out amazing.
-Add piping her to list of skills in the kitchen- 
-All our Macarons piped out on the cookie sheets & just waiting to create the "skin" on them before placing them in the oven- 
-HoT out of the oven & waiting to cool.  Did you know that besides "skin" Macarons also have "feet"?  Oh, the things you learn when taking a cooking class. I loved it!!- 
Here are the cookies Mace & I were responsible for.  A vanilla cookie {that was tinted orange} with a Mango White Chocolate filling. Divine!! 
Our take home package of goodies at the end of the class.  So fun to be able to sample & try all the different flavors that everyone made. 
{Vanilla with vanilla bean butter cream, raspberry butter cream, chocolate chocolate ganache & pistachio with spicy chocolate filling} 
A happy baker at the end of her first cooking class.
{Trust me, I'm sure there will be many cooking classes in the future for her} 
So fun to watch her passion for cooking & learning new techniques & skills

Happy month of going back to school everyone! 
{whatever kind of schooling & learning that might be} 



  1. How FUN! I've been dying to learn to make them too but I'm too chicken to try on my own. I think the Sur la Table here in Denver offers classes and I think I need to check that out. Your macarons look beautiful!

  2. Miss Mace! I want a cooking lesson from you on these. :)


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