
The flight of this Honeybee......


 - Where oh where has the Honeybee gone?-  
Hello friends!  These kind of posts are my favorite to write.  I love sharing things with all of you that I adore & that make me happy.  Maybe some of them are your favorites too or maybe you are hearing about them for the first time.  Either way I hope it makes you smile or add a place to visit on your to-do Summertime list. 

Last night I went to a fun activity for the women in our church & the theme was, "Favorite Things".  A few sisters were asked to share with the group 3 of their favorite things.  It was so much fun!  I enjoyed listening to each one of them share & was inspired to run out 
{after the meeting was over} 
& grab one of my favorite things.  Imagine my surprise as I approached the store to see big banners hanging up saying 75% off Sale.  Yippee!!  
{Oh, I was getting all of my favorite things that this store has.  I loaded up!}
Run don't walk people to your nearest store!! 
-2 bags full of all sorts of wonderful smelly fabulous stuff!  Love Bath & BoDY Works!- 

It's probably safe to say that this store is my weakness.  I love it all!  Great soaps, lotions, lip glosses, plug ins & this next thing which would for sure make my top 3 things.  The Eucalyptus Spearmint sugar scrub is the BeST thing ever!! I've been using it ever since I was pregnant with our twins & it worked wonders & helped me sleep sound every night... & it still does.  If you have a hard time falling to sleep or relaxing give this a try!!
It was buy 2 get one free so of coarse I had to stock up.
 Then as I was driving home late last night from the mall I looked down & noticed that I had a bunch of favorite things right there in the car with me.  Another B&BW fav is their Mentha Lip Tint lip glosses- oh, gracious!  I have recommended this to sooooo many friends & given it as many a gift, it's that good. CAUTION:  it is highly addictive! {you've been warned!}  I don't know how many of these tubes I have around the house. 
{in my nightstand, purse, church bag, in the car & in my pants pocket at all times!  If I don't have it with me I go NuTS! } 
Some of my other favorite things:  ice water {usually with a lemon slice} I can't drive anywhere without ice to munch on, Orbit gum the light green package & a blue Pilot pen.  I only like to write with blue pens {I don't know why} & the Pilot brand is my fav.  So much so that Santa always brings me a bunch in my stocking each year & Miss Mace gave me a big bundle of them for Mother's Day. 

Today Miss Mace & I went to the city to explore a bit & visit a couple of our favorite places.  Our first stop was to Trader Joe's.  I've only been in North Carolina & Mace has never been before & I thought her inner chef would enjoy seeing it.  I have to admit I fell in love with all the bright colors & labeling.  So cool!!  Such a great place to stroll through & the variety, vibrant colors & fresh scents will have you in grocery market heaven.  
{I still can't get the fresh basil out of my head or my nose for that matter- yummy!} 

-Just look at all those delightful colors & labels. - 
We had a great time looking around & couldn't wait to come back again soon.  Well... that turned out to be much sooner than later.  {I'll explain in a bit}  
Our next stop was another favorite down town, Pottery Barn. Always inspired when I walk into this store.  So many wonderful things for indoors & outside entertaining.  

Loved all these red, white & blue pillows. All of them were on sale except the one I wanted. Dang it!!  I'll just have to check the after the holiday sale I guess. 

Our next stop was a cute little corner consignment shop called, Emilee Jayne. It sits in a quiet neighborhood in Salt Lake. {8th East & 8th South to be exact} 
The road it's on is so charming.  I love it! I purchased some old spice tins & brought them home to display in my wire rack in the kitchen.  They fit right in with the retro feel & bright colors.  Reminds me of the spices that filled my Mom's cupboards growing up. 

All this shopping & driving around can make you hungry.  Miss Mace & I purchased a PB&J chocolate bar at Trader Joe's earlier so we opened it up & starting nibbling on it.  Oh.MY.GOODNESS!  We loved it so much we had to go back to purchase some more to take home.  Yep, second time to Trader Joe's in one day. Probably a good thing we don't live closer.  Really... go give them a try. It's a creamy peanut butter chocolate bar with a tart raspberry jelly inside.  Divine!! 
-The Hit of the day!!  PB&J never tasted so good! By the checkout registers & they are .99 cents- 
This is the stash we brought home with us from Trader Joe's {plus blueberries, basil & 3 candy bars too!} 
My baking cupboard looks so much cuter with these colorful containers in it.  

We stopped of for lunch at one of our happy places.  Plates & Palates in Bountiful. {390 North 500 West} it's in a strip mall type building, but don't let that throw you off. Oh, if you haven't been there for lunch you must.  I promise you won't be disappointed!  Everything is made fresh right there in front of you.   Mace went with a Southwest Turkey Panini & I got the Tomato Basil Pine-nut Penne salad. 
{Just had to after craving basil after being at Trader Joe's} 
Fresh Basil is the best! 
{Going to make one of my favorite things with it & share it soon. Stay tuned} 

After lunch we stopped by a place that is quickly becoming a favorite destination- Station Park in Farmington. 
{right off the freeway}  
It's the nicest, cleanest & newly put together shopping center.  Check it out if you haven't already.  Movie Theatre, yummy restaurants, great shopping, Harmons, Famous Footwear, Home Goods & Maurices.  
{I got the cutest bracelet there. You know I love a great accessory!} 

Whew... I'm exhausted.  Time to go make dinner! Hope you enjoyed this peek into what I've been up to lately.  Don't forget to check out Instagram @mquigbee for more pics of my days & creations. 



  1. Woo Hoo! Sounds like fun... I went to Whisperwoods last week and purchased one of your Hello wood Signs, looks so cute on my mantle surrounded by my collection of vintage suitcases. Next time I want to get the USA map wall decor.

  2. Thanks Gigei! I'm glad you stopped in the store & got something. Hopefully next time you'll come in on Monday while I'm there. :)

  3. I am so buying you a red pen - even if you don't use it. Everything looks better in red!!! I have to give you a hard time!!!

  4. Sounds like a great day! Emilie Jayne is one of my favorites. Mimi

  5. What a fun day for you too. The only Trader Joe's I have been to was in San Diego. Such interesting shelves - we got addicted to these black seed organic chips - the were crazy good. I love Plates and Palates - such a fun little unique place. Love their dressings!!! Gonna have to go chk out Emilie Jayne's now. Great finds - friend :)

  6. Haha, Staci your comment made me giggle! Maybe that's the real reason I like blue pens so much. You've solved it for me!! ;) Thanks friend.

  7. A trip to SLC isn't complete w/ out a trip to NPS!!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}