
What I'm up to today


  Last day of the month so that means changes going on around here.  I like to welcome in the start of each month with fresh new decor put up all around my home.  I've had a blast so far getting ready for June to arrive.  I don't know why but it seems like I haven't really decorated my home in big time for a long time.  
{I think the past 2 Hive's have thrown me off a bit}  
But... I hit my groove last night & couldn't stop.  Finishing up a few places today & then I'll be ready to show you all the full reveal with pics, on Monday!!  I'm loving what it's looking like around here so far.  

-The Before!  Can't wait to show you the after- 
Bring on June- one of my favorite months!  Here's a few reasons why I'm looking forward to it: It's birthday central around here, since it's my B-Day Month I'll be having a GiVEAWAY, I'm also teaming up with some fun bloggers to share some great ideas for the 4th of July coming up.  Lots of fun things to look forward too. Yippee! 

See you soon!  Have a wonderful weekend & be sure to check back next week to see all the decorating pics & hopefully inspire you to change up your decor. 

* I miss hearing from you!  Please leave a comment & say hello.  

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