
Last Day- Summer ahead!


  It's the last day of school for my girls today. Let Summer begin in a little over 2 hours at our house.  
Always excited for the last day of school, no more homework, getting to bed on time, early mornings.  Ready to just have some FuN, playing outside, enjoying late summer nights & being with these kids each day.  

-Here's how they looked off to school today- 

-This shirt caused quite a stir on Instagram this morning.  It's from Target by the way.  So get shopping! Proud of this one & the way she carried herself through the 9th grade- totally shined!!- 
These two make me smile & laugh every morning.  They thought the heels completed their outfits.
{hmmm... I said, No!} 
Audrey told me that she, "totally rocked these heels better than me."  Whatever?!? ;)  I'm going to miss not having this cute countdown hanging up on our wall. It's been a fun addition to the kitchen for the past 30 days.  
- My babies last day of 5th grade & Elementary School.  Makes me so sad :(  Watch out Middle School here they come!- 

Our after school celebration snack was inspired by what I saw in Better Homes & Gardens this month.  Grilled glazed donuts with a Strawberry Basil dipping sauce.  Mmm!  I can't wait to try it & tell you what my kiddos think of it when they get home. 

Here's to Summer!!  Bring it on. 


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Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}