
Graham Cracker Cookies


One thing I love about this blog is being able to share with you the simple everyday things that bring me joy.  
Sharing one of my quick go-to treats that's a cinch to make & can be shared all Summertime long, Graham Cracker Cookies. I love making these for my kids & all their friends playing out in the yard.  Maybe you grew up with these cookies to in your home like I did.  So many childhood memories tied to these sweet things. 

-Served on a dainty pedestal, of coarse! Entertaining 101 everything looks better served on a cake stand.
-This Honeybee's motto. 
They really are a simple, yummy treat.  The best part is you probably have all the ingredients you will need in your home already.  Graham Crackers & Frosting & that's it!  As simple as that sounds I do have a few tips when putting this goodie together. 

#1- The frosting must be homemade!!  
{it really is the best- no substitute for it & easy to make}
I use a simple buttercream frosting recipe of just butter, powdered sugar, vanilla & milk. I don't really use exact measurements {or I would share them with you all} I just mix until it looks & tastes good.  
Start off with at least a 1/2 stick of softened butter, pour in 3/4 cup or so of powdered sugar a splash of vanilla & a couple TBSP of milk & go from there.  
Keep mixing & adding sugar, vanilla & milk until you get a taste & consistency that you like. 

#2-  Try it with Chocolate Frosting- Yum!!  Same recipe as above but add cocoa powder for a chocolatey taste. One of my friends even said she makes it with chocolate frosting between 2 saltine crackers.  Never tried it but the salty/sweetness sounds good to me. 

#3-  Serve them chilled!  I love to make the frosting ahead of time & put it in the fridge for a while.  Spread the chilled frosting inside the crackers for a cold treat.  
{This is a great way to use up extra frosting left over from sugar cookies or decorating a cake} 

#4- Make up a bunch to eat now & later.  Set some aside 
{if you can hide some & not be tempted to eat them}
because they are even better the 2nd day.  The graham crackers get a bit soft. 

#5- Most of all sit back & watch the smiles on faces as they eat these cookies & Enjoy

Embracing the warmer weather & looking forward to lots of days ahead filled with Summertime fun.  
Hope you are too.  Give these cookies a try & tell me what you think. I'd love to hear from you. 



  1. It has to maybe be a cache valley thing? I grew up on these!! We love them at our house:) Haven't had them for awhile.... :)

  2. Frosting (and chocolate) makes everything better.


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