
My head is spinning!


  Oh, my blog friends it's been too long since I've chatted with you.  My head is literally spinning from all of the amazing things I was able to be a part of & having a to-do list that is a mile long it seems.  

I had a fabulous time at Snap {a blogging conference}last week.  I met tons of new friends, was inspired beyond belief with so much terrific information not to mention lots of ideas for H&H. Like I mentioned there is a long to-do list to start tackling!  
-Everyday was a party at SnaP!- 
When I got home & looked through my pictures I realized that I hadn't really taken too many pics of the Conference itself.  I guess I was too busy taking it all in!  I shared a few pictures on Instagram but I thought I would share some here too.  

One of the highlights of the Conference for me meeting fellow bloggers.  I loved when someone would come up to me & introduce themselves & tell me that they love my blog.  WoW!  That meant the world to me.  I loved getting to give them a hug & become instant friends.  I even got to meet one sweet friend you follows me all the way in Tennessee, she has always been so kind & it was a pleasure to finally meet her face to face & get to hang out with her.  

There are so many things I took away from Snap but one thing I'll never forget is what my adorable roommate, Desi {from the 36th Avenue} told me.  She said something to the extent of that know matter how big you are or the "numbers" are on your blog the only thing you can take with you {like in life} is the relationships the connections that we make.  So true!  Friends that I've met through this blog mean the world to me.  They have brought lots of joy into my life, inspiration & happiness that otherwise I wouldn't have had the pleasure of having if it wasn't for this little blog of mine.  

-My fun dinner table friends on the 1st night.
The top 4 are my fabulous new friends from Idaho:
Andie,  Emily, Ashley & Adrienne.  
The bottom pic is me in a roomie sandwich!  
Tausha & Desi- 

-Fun times at the late night pajama party!  Some really amazing girls in this photo!- 

-Busy taking notes in the Branding class. Good Stuff! Lucky Red Hen sitting in front of me with her awesome hair.- 

-One of my favorite quotes given at the conference.  Saw so many wonderful examples of this quote being true at Snap- 

-My cute fabulous friend, Amy.  Instant friends, 1st time Snappers & fellow bloggers learning how to make it all work.  Watch out world!!-

Excited to put into practice all the helpful tips, great advice & blogging tricks that I learned last week.  You may start to notice a few changes appearing on H&H in the next couple of days.  Change is good!!

-Blog post, CHeCK!  Yeah, one thing crossed off the to-do list & only about 34 more to go! - 


1 comment:

  1. So cute Melissa! Glad we met!!! I love what Desiree said too! Life is all about relationships! I know I will not regret bring nice to someone!!! Looking forward to lots of fun together.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}