
The cutest Hop Scotch ever!!


  How adorable is this?  I woke up Saturday morning to see this brightly colored creation on our driveway.  My girls drew it while my hubby & I were out on Friday night.  I just love it!  I thought it was so clever to tie in the rainbow not to mention the clouds, sunshine, stars & the moon.  Such a happy hop scotch to play on.  
{Something about colored chalk on the driveway just screams warm summer days ahead- HooRAY!} 

Each of my girls told me what their contribution was. I like when they all work together on a project & I can see each of their creative spirit in it.  It always brightens my day when I see their talents shine.  
{Love each one of them to the moon & back!} 

Hope you all have a bright & wonderful Sunday.  
{My favorite day of the week}  
Ready to be uplifted, inspired & prepared to take on the new week ahead. 


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