
Anyone feel the same way?



I'll be honest, I'm not loving the fact that it's 2nd day of April & Easter has already come & gone.  I DON'T like it when it falls in the month of March.  March is for St. Patricks day & all things green.  April is for freshness, spring, bunnies & egg hunts.  Now there is the entire month of April left & I'm not quite sure what to do with the rest of it.  

So... I think I'm going to leave up my bunnies & things because it looks so cheerful.  Here are just a few pics of some of my decor around the house. 
{you know I like to change it up every month!} 

On center stage in the center of our great room.  I love a fabulous centerpiece.  You might recognize a few of these found objects from past posts.  
-The pedestal for my "faux" chocolate bunny to stand on is from my trip out to Smith & Edwards with my friend last month. Place a glass dome on it & wa-Lah
-The tiny ceramic lamb came from an antique store along the Oregon coast last summer.  
-The dainty birds nest on a little stand was from The Hive, Springtime Edition. 
Love this color nook in my kitchen.  
Hector, the Owl Cookie jar 
{filled to the brim with brightly decorated sugar cookies} keeping an eye on what's left of the Lemon Blueberry Shortbread candies & the rest of the robin eggs in the blue bowl.  Should have gotten a pic with it was all filled to the brim! 
{Sugar overload in our house!} 
In our mudroom I just hang up some old wooden frames, attached a few birds & butterflies to them & dangled this fun geometric garland with them.  {You might recognize that from my Studio 5 segment last month. You can watch it HeRE
Love the simplicity of this space. You don't have to go overboard to have a fun decorative touch.

Ok... this is quickly becoming my new favorite thing to decorate.  I used to have this wire rack down in my daughters bedroom but brought it up to use for The Hive- way back in the Fall & have totally enjoyed filling it up with this & that's each month. So sweet to see what can be stuffed into each little compartment. 

-A sweet chocolate bunny inside a vintage tin Biscotti box.  Got these boxes at the 365 Swap. Love the colors on the old tins- 

-More "faux" bunnies on display on a crystal cake stand.  Love these little guys & better yet I have no desire to eat them! ;)- 

-Another little guy tucked into some robin eggs- 
Here is the full shot of the wire rack.  Love the wheat grass on top & the big "faux' chocolate bunny that started my collection keeping watch over everything.  The turquoise egg cartons were so fun this year.  I bought them last year {can't remember where} & held onto them.  I gave the girls & my hubby their little Easter treats in them this year.  I stuffed each little holder with chocolate eggs, sour patch bunnies, gumball eggs & these fun things........

Blown out eggs filled with confetti.  I think this is an Easter tradition from somewhere around the world.  I'm thinking it's a Latino tradition {since the carton of confetti eggs I bought was in Spanish} but not completely sure. So if anyone out there knows please tell me.  

 Anyway the girls had a blast cracking the confetti eggs over their heads.  So fun!  I think it will become a tradition in our family for years to come.  
{P.S. I actually found them on clearance last year after Easter so keep your eyes open.  They came in an egg carton!} 

All these colors together make me happy!  So excited that Spring is here. April showers bring May flowers, right? 
We definitely have had some rain showers here lately. 
{I say... Bring on the flowers!} 



  1. I love it all-of course, but I especially love the cabbage leaves that you used. Reminds me of Peter Rabbit. Love it all and I completely feel the same way that you do about a march Easter! I am going to be sharing my faux mantle spring-ified using your awesome idea for a straw banner! Love it almost as much as I love you!

  2. I still want to eat one of those "chocolate" bunnies :) Happy Spring.
    PS I totally agree about BOO to March Easter - it came and went way to fast :(

  3. Love the freshness, bright fullness, and cheeriness! If I were you I would leave up those decorations til May for sure!

  4. Oh I hear ya!! Easter was all wrong this year. I've been having some fun making some Springy things to make up for it. In fact, one of my goals was to look for Springy decor at your Hive. Looking forward to the next one!

  5. Confetti eggs are called Cascarones. It is Latino. I live in San Antonio, TX and they make their appearance before Easter and stay around through our Fiesta San Antonio celebration. Love the chocolate bunny displays!


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