
To-Do List

 Monday, Monday!  
I really do enjoy Mondays. I like sitting down late Sunday night or early Monday morning & making my to-do list out for the week. I always write on lined paper & with a blue pen. I don't know why, that's just how I roll.   
{Needless to say this week has a whole lot of to-do things listed}
So I thought if you were like me & planning out your week you might want to jot this down on schedule. 
{tell your friends to so they can plan to come along with you} 

-The Hive will be held at 4011 Lilac Lane in Mt. Green- 

This will be hanging on the front door of welcome everyone to The Hive & to remind everyone of the hours
{No early birds allowed- if you come 15 minutes early you'll just have to wait outside until the doors open ;)}

What else is on my to-do list today:
-loads & loads of laundry
-grocery shopping
-last minute H&H shopping for supplies & such
-work on remaining Hive decor
- Buy bunches & bunches of flowers for decor
{spring is in the air- hooray!}
-Announce the Instagram Candy WiNNeR!
{follow along @mquigbee for sneak peeks & GiVEAWAYS!}
-Get our new dishwasher installed!!
{hallelujah! After 2 weeks of hand washing I'm ready for a break.  Makes me grateful for those handy machines that make life a bit easier}

Whew... I think that's enough for one day.  Hope you have a successful day too tackling whatever is on your to-do list.
Hope to see you at The Hive.


1 comment:

  1. Meliss, I can't believe your dishwasher was broken. Isn't this the 2nd one...? Just checking out the blog. I love it, I'm gonna be folding again tonight and getting ready for my primary meeting.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}