
Lights, camera.... ACTioN!


  Hello March {hopefully Spring is right around the corner} 
& hello My Craft Channel.  By the way did you know that March is National Craft Month?  I think it's the perfect day to share this with you. Remember the fabulous day I told you about filming down at My Craft Channel with my talented friend, Tausha?  Well... the episode airs today & you can watch it {Here

I had a wonderful time being with her & talking about a couple of things I'm passionate about,  creating & decorating.   

Here's one of my all-time favorite things! 
{if I was Oprah this would make my list each & every year!} 

My beloved Vintage Chicken Feeder 
{that has been put to use in so many ways!}  
This thing has held crisp apples, dainty glitter snowflakes, juicy hamburgers at BBQ's, magazines on the coffee table, sticky donuts, crunchy cookies for parties. 
You name it- it can hold it!
Here it is displayed on my kitchen island holding 2 of my other favorite loves: pop bottles & flowers.  
*For peeks at all the other ways this fabulous thing has been put to use in my home & decor, just search 
ChiCKeN FeeDeR in the search box on the right.  

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you come back again for inspiring ideas for entertaining, decorating & just little everyday joys I enjoy sharing.  Leave a comment & tell me hi, I {heart} comments! 
-Have a terrific day!- 


* Follow H&H on FaceBook at Hollyhocks & Honeybees
or Instagram @mquigbee 
{fun ways to stay in touch!} 


  1. I loved how the craft channel episode went! So fun! Love Tausha too! Loved all the ideas you shared. Yippie and what fun can be done with a Chicken feeder! Remember when we put the little Chick-a-dee cupcakes in it when I helped you make the Chicken/Rooster Cake for Ty's mom? Too fun! fun memories!

  2. Oh, yes the darling chick-a-dees. I need to look & see if I have any pictures from that. I don't think that I do, Shoot! The days before digital cameras.

  3. Great job on the craft channel! I love all your unique ideas. Mimi


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}