
I'm still "BuZz-ED"

{photo courtesy of my friend, Janelle.  She took it & posted it on Instagram at #thehiveboutique25 to be entered for a chance to win $25 at the next Hive!} 

Whew... what a night at The Hive last night.  I had a a hard time falling asleep so much energy & excitement! Thanks to everyone who came- such a great time!  So appreciative for you all & the hugs, chats & things you do for me & say.  Really they all just make my day & keep me going.  

 I wanted to post some info. about the shirt I was wearing last night.  I got so many questions about it & nice compliments. I really was flattered that so many of you thought I stitched on the lace sleeves to my shirt, I wish I could do that or even think of doing that but... um, no!  I bought it that way ;) 

I bought it from Downeast 
{one of my favorite stores} 
& good news you can order it online too.

The Hive goes again today from 10-2 & tomorrow 10-3. 
{New stuff arriving each day!} 

*Don't forget if you come, take a pic of anything of The Hive & post it on Instagram at #thehiveboutique25 you'll be entered for a chance to win $25 to spend at the next Hive- so fun!  Thanks everyone who has posted pics all ready, I love seeing them all!


1 comment:

  1. I was hoping to come last night but my tiny got sick. Hoping I can make it up tomorrow!!?? Your shirt is sooo darling and everything looks like so much fun!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}