
I'm a picker!!

  Haha, did that title make you go... huh?!?  
Well I can officially call myself a junk yard picker.  
{digging, looking under, picking up, turning over all sorts of JuNK}
Thanks to my sweet friend, Staci for taking me to a giant junk playground today. {so fun!} It's a place that I have probably driven by thousands of times in my life but have never stopped to explore before.   
It started off with wondering what to wear?  
{I have really slacked off on want I wore Wends.  I'll try to do better} 
I did something I haven't done since probably Jr. High- wear pig tails.  Made me feel like a country girl ready to go outside & place all day. Actually I have a friend who wears her hair like that to the gym & she always looks so cute so I thought I'd give it a try. Dressed in layers today, grubby jeans & old shoes in case it was dirty & muddy.  
{oh, it was!} 

Met my friend & drove out together to the one & only Smith & Edwards. Holy cow, what a store & what a junkyard!  I never knew there could be so much "stuff" just lying around!  I can't believe I didn't take any pics of Staci & I digging through piles of junk but I think I was just overwhelmed & in awe of the amount of "stuff" was out in their yard.  CRaZY!! 

We were out looking around for a couple of hours. 
I found a few things right off the bat & held onto them.  We searched high & low trying to find some treasures.  But... it wasn't until the last row we looked that I fell in LoVE! 

I was immediately drawn to these thick, HEAVY, colorful rounds.  So many of them just waiting to get picked up. I set a few aside & wondered what they were used for originally & want I could do with them if I brought them home.  The first one I picked up was the short, chunky bright emerald green one. {Hello.... color of the year for 2013!} 
So he was the start of my stash.  I just kept digging more & more out & setting them aside.  
{I think Staci could tell I was in heaven!} 

 I love finding something that just makes you happy from head to toe!  These bright cool looking beauties were what I had been hoping of finding all day- treasures!!  

In their former life they were wheels used on a air jack lift.  
I'm thinking of using them as candle holders & stuffing them full of different heights & sizes of candles.  Loved the array of colors & was thinking they would be simply delightful to use for the Holidays.  I'm sure I won't be able wait that long to use them so I'll be on the lookout for how to to put them to use before then. 

Headed home- one happy girl!  Love DiSCOVERING new hidden gems to shop & explore. Such a fun day spent with a friend doing something that we both love. 
{Thanks again friend, such a fun day spent with you & your little assistant. Her hug goodbye made my day, so sweet!}  



  1. I LOVE Smith and Edwards. when I stop there with my hubby we always come out spending way more than we intended, especially if we hit the candy section.

  2. So I've stopped at S&E many many times but I've never gone in the back. How do you do that? We find crazy bizarre things in the store! I

  3. I use to shop there when my boys were teens, rarely venture there.

    i do have some neat beeswax candles (tapers) coming in two sizes that would look great in some of those. Probably by next thursday. will blog if they come in sooner.

    Great finds, especially for this time of year...maybe it was our 50 degree weather! (funny we think that is WARM!)

  4. Smith and Edwards is the Bomb. My parents live in Farr West - so I try to mosey on over there whenever I can. Can't wait to see how cute your make your new treasures :)

  5. You ARE for sure a picker!!! Thanks for a fabulous day. We found some great treasures. Little M LOVED you almost as much as I do! We will have to go again when the snow melts.

  6. love THAT PLACE....i went digging a few years ago and found wire baskets...:) i need to go back!!


  7. I love that store too. Very unique experience. How do you get out in the back? That would be fun. Mimi


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