
BuZz- BuzZ!!

  Happy 1st day of Spring!  
I'm totally feeling ready for Spring with all the gorgeous colors I have in my home right now as I'm setting up for The Hive. 
So excited to have so many fabulous vendors come & share all their great goods with all of you. 
Hope you can come it's going to be fabulous! 

There have been so many great pics shared on Instagram lately that I thought I better hop on the blog & share a few of the H&H ones with you. 
{Get on Instagram & search for #thehiveboutique to see more!} 

-Of coarse lots of blocks!  Some of my favorite little things to decorate with- 

-Rolls of fabulous, fun washi tape for Sale!  You can never have too many rolls, right?- 
 Remember the color for 2013 is Emerald.  Some really fun ways to add a touch of green to your home. 

Hmmm.... Hello!  
The cutest little things I ever did see. Totally in love with this curvy 5 letter word in all sorts of bright cheerful colors. 

Lots, lots more where that came from.  
Come check out Hollyhocks & Honeybees at The Hive. 
Thursday night from 6-8:30 
Friday 10-2
 & Saturday 10-3
-4011 Lilac Lane in Mt. Green- 

Off to finish off all the final touches for this charming event.  
-Hope to see you at The Hive!- 


1 comment:

Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}