
Flight of the Honeybee


  Seriously, I think birds might be doing something right every winter- fly South!  This Honeybee may need to follow their lead & do that a bit more often during the dreary winter months, at least south to Ut. County that is.  It seems like all the energy & exciting things going on are always being held down there lately.  I love spending Saturdays in the Fall {Football!!} down that way but I think I need to get down there more often based on all the great things I was able to do on Friday.
{Here's a recap of my day start to finish}  

The whole reason heading South for the day was to spend time with my sweet friend {Tausha}as a guest on her show, Sassy Style on My Craft Channel.  Have you seen it?  If not you MuST. She gives great, simple & affordable tips for decorating your home.  Plus, she has the most darling little cartoon character to open her show that you've ever seen. 
-Don't know the date our taped episode will air but I'll let you know & link to it from the blog
  She has been such a support to me & one of the best cheerleaders of my business that I have.  So grateful that I bumped into her a few years ago at the 365 Swap.  She has been a fabulous friend ever since!  Read about her kindness {Here- one of my favorite posts, ever!}  
Loved sharing the stage with her today & I'm truly blessed to have her as a friend in my life. 
{Thanks for having me on, T!} 

As I was driving to My Craft Channel I noticed that I passed a D.I. right next door to it.  I decided I should check it out & boy, was I glad I did.  I found so many little treasures that I adore! 
{Love days at the D.I. like that} 
-Got this super cool old filing system for $2.  Don't know what it will be used for yet but I just had to snag it. -
-Love the signs of being well used & appreciated in it's day- 

-Found these cool old bound books of past Ensigns that I just couldn't pass by.  Got one for the year my Schmoopie & I were born & the year we got married. I didn't know things like this existed, came from a city library -

Ok, here's a little secret about the D.I.  Whenever I go my favorite aisle to stroll down is the office supply aisle.  I don't know why but I find the best stuff!  Oh, I also love the kitchen wares aisle too. I rarely leave empty handed out of those 2 aisles. 
-I have a thing for old rulers, I don't know why but one of these days I'm going to make something awesome, with them. I have quite a collection.  Thought the old VHS labels would be fun for something & the old Rolodex filing cards too. Oh, the little things that bring me joy!- 
One place on my Bucket List- CheCk! 
Next my sister, Becca, {she was my assistant for the day} & I pulled into the Star Mill. Oh, I've wanted to explore this place for years!  I've heard about it from so many of my friends that I've been dying to see for myself.  Loved all the different shapes & styles of starts that hung in the store windows. 

Here are a few of the found treasures I got that day: 
{Even better everything in the store was 1/2 off!- Cha-CHiNG!} 
-I'm a sucker for anything that has to do with letters.  Love their shape & design, I'm sure you'll see more of these sometime soon. Can't wait to create with them!-

99 bottles of pop on the window sill ..... & everywhere!  Oh, I love a cool pop bottle so I just had to find one that I could take home & add to my growing collection.  I looked & looked & finally decided on this one..... 
-Thought these were cool as bundled together in a window sill- the light hitting them looked amazing!-

Since I have a little girl in my house that LoVES Cherry Coke I decided to get this in honor of her.  

Next I found this book. I'm drawn to anything about Bees & Beehives {as you can imagine} but the thing that made me pick up this old book was the contents inside & the meaning behind it. 

 This is an old manual for Young Women of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints back in the 50's.  My Grandmother {who I never had the pleasure to met} completed these goals & guidelines for Young Women to follow & accomplish in those days & earned a Bee Hive Girls ring. My Mom gave me that ring a few years ago & I treasure it.  
-Glad I was able to stumble upon this book {for .50 cents} & now be able to read it to see what my Grandma Ford had to check off to be able to earn her ring, that I now have.  Love it!- 
-How charming is this? Thought this handmade, miniature little cash register was so cute!  I just had to get it.  I wonder if it was used & played with in a doll house or something, so sweet!-

Loved this wall in the Mill made out of stacks of crates & filled up with tons of books- very fun!

 After checking out the Mill my sis & I were starving so we went to lunch at the Blue Lemon.  She had never been before so I wanted her to check it out.  Have you been there?  If not you should go.  Everything I have ever had there has been tasty!  I decided to go with the Black Bean Ravioli because I have a friend who says, "she dreams about it!"  because it's that good.  So I was excited to give it a taste. 

 Ummmm, ya!  It's that good.  I'm surprised I didn't pick up the bowl & lick the rest of the sauce.  YuM-My!  So, so good.  The ravioli is tossed with spinach & a bed of thinly sliced veggies under the pasta & the sauce... forget about it.  So scrumptious!! 
-Yep, I'm a pig!  No left overs to bring home- 
 Next up- Dear Lizzie's. Such a delightful little store to wander & browse through & dream of being able to buy everything that you see. But the best part is in the back of the store- the CuPCaKES!! 

 The perfect way to end a perfect day.  I got a Vanilla cake with Chocolate frosting {of coarse, got to have a bit of chocolate for the day} & Becca got a Cherry Chip cake with pink frosting. 

This banner hung up in Dear Lizzie pretty much summed up my day. Had a delightful time at My Craft Channel, hanging out with my Utah Co. Sis all day, having a tasty lunch & a sweet cupcake - such a perfect day.  

I've DiSCOVERED that I enjoy sharing places & things that I adore & make my heart happy with all of you.  I have some pretty exciting things in the works right now & can't wait to share them with you SooN.  
{Oh, I'm giddy about it & you'll be too!}

Hope you have a fabulous day!  Get out there & enjoy wherever you go.  Off to hit the slopes today with my little family. 



  1. Thanks for letting me tag along for the day. We need to get you down to Utah county more often. :)

  2. Sounds like my kind of day! Went to Dear Lizzie for the first time just before Christmas. Very fun place to shop and eat. Mimi

  3. Linked you to my blog today and sent you a picture of a darling beehive book my mom has!!

  4. Hi Honey!!! Oh my goodness, you are an absolute doll and your blog is so stinkin' cute. I love how talented and creative you are. Why in the heck haven't I met you yet?! You are such a sweetheart for stopping by my blog and leaving me some comment love. When I meet you I will hug your guts out! HA HA! Thank you so much for bringing some sunshine into my day. Happy Monday and XOXO!

  5. Looks like my kind of day as well!! I love dear lizzy. Haven't been there for awhile, though.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}