
Snow & pleasant Surprises!


  Hello.... hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We sure did.  We enjoyed driving up to Grandma's house Christmas Eve, waking up to lots of surprises & nice gifts on Christmas morning, having our 1st Christmas meal in our home on Christmas night, enjoying.... SnoW, SNoW, SNOW, oh, we got lots of it. A white Christmas around these parts for sure.  We've also enjoyed sledding & drinking lots & lots of hot cocoa. 
{actually that is my job... stay inside & have warm cups filled to the top for when the girls all come in the door.  Brrr.... it's chilly outside! It's a fun job ;)} 

-That's how we roll- the pumpkin patch tractor pulling the girls around & around the park on snow packed roads- 
-Audrey taking a turn behind the wheel. Watch out!- 
-Em, Mr. Olly & Miss Mace. All bundled up, enjoying playing in the white stuff- 

While they are out playing I'm inside because today is the day... the Christmas all comes down & the Wintertime decor goes up. I can't wait to show you. I'll be back to show pics, I promise. 
I ran into a sweet friend {last Saturday} who I have NEVER met.  We have just been "blogging buddies".  I found her blog about 3 years ago.  I was a "stalker" at first 
{anyone out there like that?}  
-She always looks so cute!  Can't wait to finally get instagram
so I can follow her!- 
& one day I got up the courage to leave a comment & wah-lah we have been friends ever since.  We talked about meeting up one day but never made it work.  She had moved away recently so I thought we would never see each other face to face. 

Well... imagine my surprise when I saw her walking down the aisle at Target 
{of all places- another reason to love that place!} I saw her cute, colorful, adorable shoes & KNeW it was her.  I called her name & she looked up to see me & just started squealing.  We gave each other a hug & chatted for a bit. It was so great to finally met her.  
{fabulous friends are such a blessing!} 
Glad she is back & I hope to run into her many more times now.

Wish I looked as cute as she did that day.  I thought I was just out for a quick day of last minute gift shopping who knew I would run into a friend - so fun
{happy holidays my friend!}

*I'd love to become friends with some of you out there that might just be "stalkers" right now.  Be BRaVE, leave a comment & maybe we can become blogging friends too!*

Ok, off to put away the last little bit of Christmas around here & get ready to go to one of our favorite places later today as a family.  We love it! 
{it's turned into quite a Holiday tradition for us} 

Hope you have enjoyed lots of traditions with your loved ones during the Holidays too. 



  1. Fun! You guys are 2 of my fave bloggers! I hope to run into both of you accidentally- or on purpose some day!! Happy New Year!

  2. Oh, I'd love that too Candice, someday. Happy New Year to you to!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}