
Perfectly- SWeeT!

12. 21. 12- 

Well.. the Quigley holiday baking kitchen is officially closed. You know it's time to stop when the cinnamon container only has 1tsp. of cinnamon left.  I've really enjoyed baking the last couple of weeks & more than that I've enjoyed sharing so much of it with others. 

  I wanted to share a favorite recipe of mine that comes from my dear, sweet Aunt Karalee.  
{I just love this lady to pieces!} 
The recipe is called Sweet Petal Roll.

 It's been a Hall family tradition for years.  My Aunt Karalee makes it for our yearly family breakfast every Summer.  It is always everyone's favorite thing to dig into. I even have an uncle who loves to sneak & take out the center of the petal roll when no one is looking.
{yep, it's that good!} 

It's meant to be baked in a large pizza round but I like to divide it up into 2- 9 inch cake rounds so that I can share with friends & family.  My hubby even got me a large pizza round {with sides} for Christmas last year specially for making the petal roll. 

Sweet Petal Roll 
Scald:  1  1/2 C. milk 
Add to warmed milk:
        6 T. shortening 
        1 T. salt 
        4 T. sugar
Cool & add: 5 cups of Flour 
Dissolve 2 T. yeast in 1/2 cup warm water. Let rest a few minutes & then add to dough mixture & knead for 5 minutes 
Let raise for 1 hour. 

After dough has risen melt 1 cube of butter & place into a shallow bowl.  In another shallow bowl combine 1 c. Sugar, 2 T. Cinnamon, 1/2 C. Brown Sugar. 

Rip off a ball of dough & roll into a worm shape, about 6- 8 inches long. Dip into butter & then into sugar mixture.  Put them round & round in a pizza pan. {or you can divide the dough & make 2 -9 inch rounds}  *if you have extra dough after making the petal rolls, just roll a piece of dough into a ball, toss in the butter & sugar & then place them in a muffin tin to bake while the rolls are still raising.  {I usually get about 5-6 cinnamon balls when I use the 9 inch cake rounds} 

Raise for 45 minutes, pre heat oven to 350. Bake for 20 min & then ice with a powdered sugar glaze {powdered sugar, milk & vanilla}

-Looks so sweet wrapped up in cellophane, tied with a baking twine bow & ready to GiVE-

Warmest holiday wishes to you all!  I've enjoyed opening my mailbox & receiving several Christmas cards from friends
{who may have just started out as H&H clients but have become much more than that} that have really touched my heart.  I'm grateful for my business & this blog that allows me to be associated with so many wonderful people that I probably wouldn't have been otherwise.

Truly blessed! My girls are just about to come home to start their holiday break from school. Yeah!



  1. these look so DELISH! And thanks for stopping by my open house the other night! You and Nicole are so sweet and always fun to talk to!

  2. Thanks Amy- it was fun to stop by & pick up some fun things from Vintage Fern. Happy Holidays :)

  3. They sound soooo delicious! I might have to give these a try. Have a wonderful Christmas with your adorable family. Mimi

  4. Oh! I just saw your picture on Instagram and had to come over for the recipe! These look so cute and delicious!

  5. My guess is the yeast is active dry and not rapid rise bread machine yeast? Or does it matter which one is used?

  6. Sarah, yes, just active yeast. Enjoy!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}