

  I love this gift giving thing! 
{I feel a little bit like the jolly old fellow himself}

Feeling very overwhelmed with the response to the Holiday Cheer GiVEAWAY. THaNKS to everyone who commented, "liked" & entered.  Really, such the sweetest comments about the bundle & my blog. 
I really do appreciate it! 
{Makes me want to do another one sooner than later ;)} 

Ok, enough of the chit chat- the WiNNeR of the Holiday Cheer GiVEAWAY is... 

-Sorry for the early morning, cell phone picture.  Actually I'm feeling a little like this picture myself, been up since 3 a.m.- 

Please email me your address so I can get all this fun stuff in the mail to you soon.

Oh & this just happens to be one of my favorite Holiday tunes
{sung by one of my favorite singers, love the big band feel of his music}
- enjoy!

Off to bake a double batch of Sugar Cookies 
{I'll share the recipe later}
with Michael singing in the background. 
Have a wonderful day! 



  1. Yeah I am soooo excited!!! I have never won any thing in my life...and what a great way to start :)

  2. So glad you're thrilled- enjoy! There is so much good stuff heading your way :)


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}