
99 bottles of pop.....

Ok, I think I might have a problem!  
First it was collecting small children's school chairs, anything with a bee on it & now glass pop bottles. 
{It's good to have an good, clean, obsession, right?}

Well lookie what is out on my kitchen island right now to help ring in the Holidays.  I am over the moon, giddy & delighted!  

I found them last week at an antique store in Aberdeen, No. Carolina. Right down the street from the 2 stores I told you about yesterday.  It was a great antique mall & I was finding lots of fabulous things. I was about ready to check out when my friend pointed out a back room to me we hadn't been in.  
{Thanks so much, Shareen!}
I walked into the room & saw shelves full of vintage glass pop bottles. My heart skipped a beat!  
{Oh, believe me I could have come home with 10 more bottles easily} 

As I stood there in awe this is the first bottle that "popped" out at me.  Are you kidding?  Look how adorable it is. 

The wheels started turning inside my head- A toy solider on a bottle that would be so cute to have out for the Holidays.  
I've decorated with pop bottles in the past but for just Spring & Summer events.  It made me start thinking of some new decorating possibilites.  I just knew right then & there that I had to bring this little guy home with me. 

As I started moving bottles around I noticed this one tucked back in the corner.  I couldn't leave the store without him either!  
{Oh, I was in trouble!} 

When I saw this bottle it opened up the possibilites for a winter themed display too.  Oh, for sure I had to get these because I could keep them up for months.  
{I was rationalizing at this point- totally made sense!}

Then I got to thinking.... red, white & green. Ok, I for sure have to have this green Sparkling Life one. I mean come on- just look at that label how could I leave that behind.  

Loved the bottle style of this one- so unique & such a fun twist.  Made me wish that pop bottles were still made this way with such character & charm.  

-Such a great bottle color, label & name.  Can't wait to use this for lots & lots of special occasions-

-This bottle is a No. Carolina company so I had to have this to remember our trip by {even though it was a new bottle- we drank the cherry pop inside}

Once I got my Holiday/ Christmas bottles set aside to purchase I noticed these fun bottles too.
{If you follow this blog & have read posts in the past you know that we have a fun tradition on Valentines Day & I thought these would be a perfect addition to have on the table for our candlelight dinners.}

Mmmm....wah!!  Seriously... how sweet are they?  Kist & Heart Club, too stinkin' adorable.  I had to snag the Big Giant Cola too {with the bat swinging baseball player on the back} for the Summertime.  

So in all that brought my total of 8 bottles I was seriously considering buying.  So glad my hubby has good taste, loves me & recognizes a great find when he sees it too told me, "get them!" They were marked at $8.50 each but when the store owner came in & saw how many I wanted to buy he gave me a great deal, $5 each! {Holla!} So I said, "I'll take them!"

Then the thought comes to my head- Uhhh, HOW are we going to get these home?  Can we get these home?  I couldn't leave them now- I would have been heart broken.  The owner was so nice & gave me a liquor bottle box  & some tissue paper to pack them in. 
{haha, us carrying a wine bottle box everywhere- funny!Wish I would have taken a picture of that. Thanks to Ty for carrying it around & getting it in the overhead compartment on the flight} 

-Here is a peek inside my pantry where my bottle collection is stored on the tip top shelf.  When I got home I cleaned it out a bit, took out the not so great bottles & am just keeping the real unique, vintage ones-

Love, love LoVE the way the display turned out, all lined up on a cherry red wooden bench.  I filled the bottles with pine boughs, sprigs of berries & holly from our bushes outside,  poinsetta blooms & a bunch of mercury glass balls that I found at the antique store too.   

 As much as I love the look of bottles from the front I think their backsides are equally as cute. 

-Don't ya think?- 

So glad these all made it home safe & sound not a scratch or chip off them.  They will be fun to have around for years to come & to remind me of our trip to No. Carolina.  I really try to find a treasure to bring home from wherever we visit & I was lucky enough to snag up 8 fabulous treasures this time. So much fun! 

 Happy Holidays everyone!



  1. Your display turned out perfectly! They are all so fun. Glad you found them!

  2. So glad you nudged me in the right direction, Shareen. You know me too well.

  3. These are so you! Love them all because they remind me of you! Happy, happy happy for you! Can't wait to see them in person!

  4. Darling - love that the labels have winter meanings - You clever girl :)

  5. Looks like you had a great time in N Carolina! I'd go there for the shopping! Love your awesome bottle collection. Mimi

  6. Oh my gosh they are all so fun!! LOVE LOVE LOVE


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