
What's up Jack?

  Happy November!  
{Welcome month of gratitude, thankfulness, joy & family} 

I celebrated the new month by hitting some stores & doing some shopping. I have to say I had a great time!  
{which isn't always the case}
I'm not a big shopper but I love when shopping turns into a delightful day.  Trust me, if I HAVE to go find something specific I never do & I never enjoy the day.  But today I found myself meandering down the post- Halloween clearance aisles in Target & Micheals & found some fun stuff for next year.  I then headed over to the mall intending just to go to Bath & Body & found myself in Bohme & came across the cutest shirt on the clearance rack.  

-God save the Queen! I would really like to travel to London one day & the English countryside- 
I have been intrigued by the whole Great Britain, Union Jack, flag thing for awhile now in clothing, home decor & just about everything but have never owned anything stripey of my own.  Saw this shirt & fell in love with the color & the lace that forms the Union Jack.  
{Now to go research why the England's flag is actually called that- lesson for the day!} 

Oh, don't worry I still found my way into one of my favorite places ever- Bath & Body & walked out with some great smelling stuff as usual.  I discovered a new fabulous scent- Chestnut & Clove.  Great Fall- Holiday scent! 

Ok, off to pack up all the Halloween decor & get out Thanksgiving stuff oh... & turn over the wooden sign & welcome in November. 



  1. That shirt is really cute. You look really good in that color. Thanks for the yummy dinner!

  2. love that sign!!
    and the shirt!!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}