
The Winner is.....


  Today I'm grateful for the opportunity to GiVE!! 

Mimi Sue! 
{Email me your address or if you're coming to the H&H Show you can pick it up then}

Thanks to everyone who entered & commented on the blog & joined the conversations over on FB. I really enjoyed hearing from you all the past week. 

**Don't Forget-- 
The H&H Holiday SHow 
tonight  6-8 & 
tomorrow morning 10-NooN.  
-at 4011 Lilac Lane in Mt. Green- 

I hope to be back soon to post some pictures of all the goods. 
{I'm having so much fun right now setting it all up- can't wait to show you}

Have a wonderful day friends! 



  1. Congrats Mimi - that is so fun - Melissa is a generous gal - Love all your cute giveaways :)

  2. Yippee! We'll come up to your cute Holiday Show tonight to pick it up and of course to find a few things that we simply can not live without! Thank you so much! Mimi

  3. You're welcome Mimi, see you soon & Natalie, how nice are you? ;) Thanks everyone!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}