
Something's in the air- News & GiVEAWAY!


GiVEAWAy is no closed- thanks to all who entered! 

It's just about time for the H&H Holiday Show
Mark your calenders, call up your friends & start making your list because this show only comes around once a year.  

-Tuesday Nov. 20th from 6-8 p.m.
Wednesday Nov. 21st 10-NooN- 

-Love my scrabble tile holders & letter collection- 
I love this time of year.  The opportunity to look back on blessings & expressing gratitude for so many wonderful things.  One thing I'm grateful for is all of you out there.  I appreciate your friendship, encouragement & support of my blog.  It's always a joy to run into someone, make a new friend, hear from those of you who read the blog.
I love getting comments from you all.  
{Keep them coming! ;)} 

I recently came across this quote in a magazine & it sums up exactly how I'm feeling this month. 

"Feeling gratitude & not expressing it is like wrapping a present & not giving it
                                                           -William Arthur Ward 

So lucky for you I'm wrapping up something fabulous {that I love} & going to GiVE it to a lucky blog reader.  You know that I adore Bath & Body works & I fell in love with this new scent as I came down the escalator, at the mall, & starting walking towards the store. 
{no joke, I could smell it that far away- it was that good}  
When I walked into the store 
{after picking up my big blue shopping bag of coarse} 
& was greeted by a worker I immediately asked her, "What is that fabulous smell?"  She walked me over to this..... 

-Chestnut & Clove- divine!- 
Oh, my gosh it really smells wonderful!  The perfect scent to have out for the Holidays ahead.  Just a subtle not to strong over powering scent- just right! I loved it so much I bought 2  3 wick candles, 1 for me & 1 for a lucky YOU out there. 
{$20.00 value} 

-All you have to do is leave a comment on any post from now until next Monday the 19th.  You can also answer a BoNuS question each day over on the Hollyhocks-Honeybees FaceBook page for another entry- 
{Check them out they will be fun thought provoking ?'s}

I'll announce the winner on Tuesday the 20th.  I'll either hand deliver it if the winner lives close by or package it up & send it to an out of state friend to enjoy for the entire Holiday season.  

Love & appreciate all of you out there, whether you are near or far. So grateful to have so many blog friends. 



  1. I haven't smelled that new flavour yet but it sound wonderful! I love holiday smells!

  2. Chestnut and Clove sounds perfect for this time of year. What a fun giveaway. Thank you!

  3. Ooooo - I can smell it from here! You are the cutest - love your scrabble words...and the gratitude quote!!! Gonna go put it in my graditude journal :)

  4. You are so generous! I am such a sucker for candles, especially this time of year!

  5. What a fun giveaway! You've got me wanting to head to Bath & Bodyworks right now.

  6. Oh what a fun giveaway. I want to run to Bath and Bodyworks right now too! The smells of the Holidays are some of my fav.

  7. Ohhh! Delightful! I love a yummy scent in the house this time of year~

  8. What a lovely little giveaway! Perfect for the coming holidays. I'll be seeing you at your Holiday Show and I'll be bringing some friends. Mimi

  9. well how very sweet of you! i hope i can make it up to see you next week.:) i have never tried any from Bath and Body Works...I'll have to give them a try.

  10. Love, Love Bath and Body Works!! That is a great scent for the holiday season... I feel gratitude for having crossed paths with you...

  11. I was just wondering what that smelled like. Good to know. Bath and Body Works candles are the best! Thanks! at hotmail dot com

  12. Aleshia said:
    So love Bath and Body Works and candles. Can't wait til November 20. It will be great shopping! Thanks for the chance.

  13. Aleshia, I thought of you when I ordered in the caramels. I know you LOVE them! See you on the 20th.

  14. Aleshia, I thought of you when I ordered in the caramels. I know you LOVE them! See you on the 20th.

  15. I would love to try the new smell out! Thanks, Tawna

  16. My house stinks, I really need a new scent. Pick me Pick me

  17. My house stinks, I need a new scent. Aunt Barb


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}