
I dare you.....


  Just decked the halls with this & I triple dog dare you
{Oh, Ralphie one of my favorite holiday movies ever!}
 not to be singing, whistling or humming it right now.   
It's fun to have a festive catching tune in your head all day long, right?! 
{haha- you're welcome!} 
 -Sorry, for the blurry pic but my nice camera is packed because I'm going to one of my FaVORITE places this week. Tell you more later. So excited!- 
I also wanted to share this cute picture  & message I received from my friend & neighbor the other day.  
When I saw it on my FaceBook page it just made my day. 
{Thanks Diana!}

"An H&H original frame with a photo of my girls...one of my favorite Christmas decorations!"
I enjoyhearing from happy H&H customers who love things that I have gotten from me in the past.  
Since I really try to make new things each & every year it's fun to see pictures of items that I may have forgotten about.  LOVE this style of frame that is in Diana's home with a picture of her 2 cute girls.  I have a similar one & when I put it up it made me smile & feel a little bit sad that I didn't make any similar ones this ye ar. 
{Oh, well there is always next year} 

I would simply adore seeing more pics of H&H stuff in your home for the holidays this year.  
Feel free to snap a picture & share it on the H&H FaceBook page.  I love to see how you use & display H&H products in your home. 
Go here to be connected to the FaceBook page & then simply post on it.  
{or if that's too complicated & confusing you can just email me a pic- that works too!} 

It's the most wonderful time of the year you know- hope you are having a happy one so far! 
Can't wait to share some pics of my home decor & a project or 2 that I'm going to be doing with my girls.  Really trying to "Savor" the Holidays this year & really enjoy time with family & friends. 
{trying to keep the hustle & bustle to a minimum this year}



  1. CUTE Fa la la sign! And yes, our kids grow up too fast. You'll blink and they'll have kids of their own. Mimi

  2. Thanks Mim, I'm realizing that more & more each day. Hope you are enjoying your candle. Happy Holidays!


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