
A "cute" box of goodness


  There is just something about this time of year when you anticipate, look forward too & crave certain foods around the Holiday season or at least I do.
{Please tell me I'm not the only one}

Well these little beauties are back in stores & I just can't get enough of them.  They are the sweetest, juiciest snack ever!  I was first introduced to them 10 years ago by a nice older gentleman who lived in our ward in Layton.  He showed up on my doorstep one day with a big box of them.  He handed them to me & said, "I saw these in the store & thought they would be good for you & the babies to eat"
{I was just a few months pregnant at the time with my twin girls} 

So sweet & thoughtful!  
Not a holiday season goes by that I don't think of Bro. Maughn & his kindness when I see a box of cuties in the store.  I've loved them ever since that day. 

Now I want to hear from YOU! Tell me what holiday sweets & treats you love this time of year or hop over to FaceBook & join the conversation there.  Either way you'll be entered to WiN the fabulous smelling Chestnut & Clove Bath & Body candle I'm giving away.  
{You have until Monday to enter. Don't forget!} 

Have a great day!
Off to work, work work!  The H&H show is coming up you know- Tuesday 6-8 & Wednesday 10-Noon to be exact.
{Are you coming?  I really hope so!}



  1. I just wanted to ask about Bro. Maughn from Layton. My maiden name is Maughan and I am from Layton. I was wondering if this might be my dad. Do you remember the name of the ward you were in by chance?

  2. Janie, I was in the Fairfield ward & his name was Charles. Are you related?

  3. I found you while searching for teacher's lounge ideas and an hour and a half later... here I still am! My favorite fall treats involve pumpkin. pumpkin pancakes, cookies, smoothies, etc.

  4. Layniegurl- so glad you found the blog! Thanks for saying hi. Hope you come back often :)


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}