
The Hive- Roll Call!!

10.5.12- Here it is, the start of the vendor line-up for The {Fall} Hive. I'm so excited! Don't forget to keep "BuZz-ing" about The Hive. Hey Hollyhocks and Honeybee friends! I am so excited to be visiting Melissa and sharing my crazy love of Halloween Decor!

I love Halloween! I love that I can mix gross, and creepy with cute and fun and get away with it. Needless to say, I love to decorate and create for Halloween. So, with this in mind, I created some spooky, totally simple and cheap Halloween Spell & Potions Books.

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DIY Halloween Spells & Potion Books with Sassy Style RedesignSpooky and fabulous..right?

You will need to pick up a couple of things to make this. Nothing expensive or too hard to find.

Potion books supplies list

  3 hard back books-I have a bit of a hoarding problem when it comes to old books, so I already had these on hand. If you don’t need to have a book intervention-you could pick these up at your thrift store for cheap.

3 pieces of Heavy Spooky looking paper

Double Sided Tape- I know that I have mod podge pictured, at the last minute I decided to use double stick tape. Much easier and far less messy.

Jute, yarn &or fun trim

Halloween Stickers & Tag

Skull from Wal-Mart-This baby was only 97 cents.

Pick one of your paper to cover your first and biggest book.
potion books how to collage

Measure your paper to size. Fold and tape in place. You can see in step #3 that the paper didn’t cover the whole book. Don’t stress if that happens. I just used the piece that I cut off to cover the rest of the back cover.

Told you it was simple. I am all about simple and cheap creativity..I use the rest of my money for more important things like shoes, clothes and cardigans. I have a fetish with Cardi’s. I don’t know what it is, but I seem to think that I can never have enough…
Random thought over..

After you have finished covering all of your books with paper-you will need to glue the books together and then wrap and tie with jute.

potion books details collage

Because I love to embellish, I also added some Washi Tape and some Halloween stickers. I am a firm believer in the little details making a big difference.

You are just about done. I added some yummy lime green pom pom fringe from Pick Your Plum, a spooky tag and a skull from Wal-mart.

Potion books finished 1
Spectacularly scary..right?

Potion books finished

Super simple right?

Potion books spines close up

I told you that it was cheap and easy!

To see what else I love to do, come and see me at Sassy Style Redesign.

tausha halloween

I love to share my adventures in decorating with my glue gun, spray paint and my paint brush. Most of the creations that I do are usually done with a Diet Coke in hand and some chocolate ..hidden out of sight from my kids. I would love for you to come over and stay awhile.

Come see me at Pinterst, Facebook, & Twitter

poison jar pinDIY locker accessories pin  

Thanks for having me Melissa!



  1. Thanks for sharing T & by the way love your new look! ;)

  2. Look at Tausha - rockin' the 'stache!!! Looking good.

    Can't wait to see your stuff :)

  3. Love the poison jars and potions books they would be perfect in my kitchen! Craft night! :)

  4. creepy but cute!
    Angela L


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